2. He prefers (stay) at home to_____ (go)to the movies.
3. —Can you tell me the (advantage)of going to the mall?
—Oh. I always spend too much money there.
2. staying; going
3. disadvantages
2. Could you please ____ (not smoke) here?
3. It"s (polite) to laugh at others.
4. My father told me that the light (travel) faster than the sound.
5. In Newtown, there is a ____ (fascinate) science museum.
2. (spend) time with friends is enjoyable.
3. They made plans (travel) to Hong Kong next year.
4. It"s very exciting (play) such a game.
5. I don"t know if she (come). If she (come), I (tell) you.
6. My teacher went out without (say) any words.
2.The girl (who) name is Mary is my classmate.
3. The word (form) by four letters.
4. When we heard the funny story, we couldn"t stop (laugh).
5. The table manners here are different from (we).
B. pleased with
C. sorry for
D. afraid of
B. interested. interested.
C. interesting. interested
D. interesting. interesting
- 1When you cut your skin, you bleed(流血). If a person loses a l
- 2(8分)2013年9月10日,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院发布的《关于办理利用信息网络实施诽谤等刑事案件适用法律若干问题
- 3材料一:至恭亲王等请购买外洋船炮,则为今日救时第一要务……不过一二年,火轮船必为中外官民通行之物,可以剿发捻,可以勤远略
- 4依据观察小鱼尾鳍内血液的流动实验,回答下列有关问题:(1)选用实验材料时,应选择尾部色素_______(“多”或“少”)
- 5(10分)旅游地理什刹海景区景色优美,有恭王府、宋庆龄故居、郭沫若纪念馆,周边地区拥有整片保存较为完整的胡同和四合院,保
- 6质量为m的物体,由静止开始下落,加速下落的加速度为45g,在物体下落h的过程中,下列说法正确的是( )A.物体的动能增
- 7What people like to eat is subjective, but ______ the northe
- 8下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一句是 ( )A.关于个人、
- 9观察下列各图中小圆点的摆放规律,并按这样的规律继续摆放下去,则第5个图形中小圆点的个数为______.
- 10下列各句中加点的熟语使用恰当的一句是( )A.有的领导为了突出任期内的政绩,在专项资金管理和使用上采取拆东墙补西墙的做
- 1随着两艘船身漆黑的战舰驶入日本的江户湾,日本的国门被打开了。最早打开日本国门的西方国家是A.美国B.英国C.荷兰D.法国
- 2根据语篇内容,用恰当的短语填空,使之意思完整。 Thanks for your invitation. I"m
- 3阅读下面文字,完成后面小题。(22分)定 风 珠魏继新小镇多吊脚楼,旧称干阑。此屋沿溪而建,时传为避毒豸虫蛇而筑,人居其
- 4飘尘是物质燃烧时产生的粒状漂浮物,颗粒很小,不易沉降。它与空气中的SO2和O2接触时,SO2会部分转化为SO3,使空气的
- 5计算的结果是 .
- 6下列粒子的结构示意图中,表示金属元素的原子的是( )A.B.C.D.
- 7People cannot but feel _____, for they simply cannot underst
- 8下列方程是一元一次方程的是( )A.2x2-1=0B.2x-1=1C.3(x+2)=9D.2x-3
- 9西藏自古以来就是中国领土不可分割的部分。下列史实中,不能证明这一观点的是A.西汉昭君出塞B.唐朝文成公主入藏C.元朝设置
- 102011年19个省市对口援疆资金总规模将超过100亿元。同时,通过转移支付、专项资金等渠道,中央投入资金规模将数倍于对口