2. May I your knife to cut my pencil?
3. He said a low voice,"Go to your seat."
4. You can make a living borrowing some money from your friends.
5. They have made much progress____ their hard work.
1. Look! A woman is sitting _______ the car.
2. A man is standing _______ the car.
3. The teacher is _______ the classroom.
4. There is a big tree _______ the house.
ill sick
5. The boy is _______ in hospital.
6. She has to look after her _______ child.
7. He is an _______ (坏的) boy, nobody likes him.
2. The old people do morning _______ every morning to keep healthy.
3. The students in our school often do eye _______ after the third class.
4. If you want to be thin, you should take more _______ and eat less meat.
5. The students are tired because they do a lot of e_______ today.
6. My friend likes s _______. He s_______ four times a week.
7. Mrs Green goes _______ once a week. She often buys a lot of expensive things for
herself in the store.
8. The boy hardly _______ plays sports, so he is very fat.
9. I like sports _______ on TV. I often watch them.
10. I shop t_______ a month because I am very busy.
2. ______ eye exercise is good for your eyes.
3. Because I have lots of good h______ , so my l______ is very healthy.
4. ______it was snowing, it wasn"t cold.
5. He is a lucky reporter. Because he i______ Chairman Hu yesterday.
2. ______ ______ (吃蔬菜) is good for your health.
3. You are a good girl, so you must look______ your little sister.
4. Eating ice cream is bad ______our health.
5. I eat a lot ______vegetables every day.
2. You should try _ to copy homework, it is______ for your study.
3. My mother is ill. I ______ (不得不照顾) her.
4. I"m a high school student. I"m in Class 7, ______8.
5. He is the best student. He always gets a g______of 100 in most subjects.
6. Lily and Lucy are twins. Lily"s lifestyle is ______ Lucy"s.
- 1蒋介石的庐山讲话“确定了准备抗战的方针”。该讲话发表于[ ]A、华北事变之前B、西安事变之前C、七七事变之后D、
- 2“十一五”时期,我国对外投资实现新突破,5年累计对外直接投资达到2200亿美元,年均增长30%左右,全球排名由“十五”期
- 3(本题满分12分)求值 (Ⅰ).(Ⅱ)
- 4已知x2-y2=12,x-y=2,则x+y=______.
- 5下列各组生物中,全部属于生产者的一组是[ ]A.海带、梨树、酵母菌B.蘑菇、水绵、洋葱C.马铃薯、菠菜、乳酸菌D
- 6某校九年级(2)班学生寝室丢了东西,老师怀疑是本班同学所为,在查无结果的情况下,让同学们投票“选小偷”。这种做法
- 7第二次鸦片战争期间(1858年),洪秀全写了一件“御诏”给英国特使额尔金。“御诏”表达的核心意思是:感谢洋兄弟灭清妖。这
- 8民族区域自治的前提和基础是A.“大杂居,小聚居”的民族分布特点B.各民族在长期奋斗中形成的相互依存的关系C.领土完整、国
- 9重庆市委市政府着力改善民生,让人民过得幸福、活得有尊严。先后制定实施了“民生十条”、“共富十二条”保障民生,面对“涨”声
- 10曲线上的点到直线的最短距离是A.5B.C.2D.
- 1一定温度下,冰醋酸加水稀释过程中溶液的导电能力变化曲线如图所示,请回答:(1) “O”点为什么不导电________.(
- 2到点C(3,-2)的距离等于5的轨迹方程为 ( )
- 3物体在竖直向上的拉力和重力的作用下竖直向上运动,运动的v-t图像如图所示.则( ) A.物体所受拉力是恒力B.物体
- 4范文澜在《中国通史简编》中说:“秦国新法十年,秦民大悦,路不拾遗,山无盗贼,家给人足,民勇于公战,秦成为第一大强国”。材
- 5Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)I’ve always wanted to try
- 6【积极献出爱心】地震后,中国武警总医院于海地时间1月14日9时赴海地国际救援医疗分队开设第一个流动医疗点,武警总医院骨科
- 7综合性学习。 这学期学习时间过半,你一定在老师的带领下进行了好多次语文活动吧,下面请展示一下你的活动情况。(1
- 8【题文】已知定义在R上的函数满足,,若当时,则( )A.B.C.D.
- 9已知函数 是定义在上的增函数,函数的图象关于点(1, 0)对称. 若对任意的,不等式恒成立,则当>3时,的取值范围是A.
- 10小华从广州到西藏拉萨后,出现头晕、乏力、眼睛经常会发黑等一系列高原反应。主要原因是A.温度太低,保暖不足B.血红蛋白跟氧