Another method was proposed by Mazzoni et al.
(2007) and named here extended FLD (eFLD).With a spectral
resolution of 0.03 nm,they estimated F in the three main absorption
bands.With this very high resolution a number of dark lines appear in
the incident spectruminstead of one single absorption band (see Fig.2).
Similar to what has been described for cFLD and iFLD,the eFLD
method first reconstructs the apparent reflectance at all the resolved
absorption lines present in a single feature (i.e.,band).For this purpose
it assumes that local maxima in the incident irradiance spectrum
correspond to no absorption –which is not always satisfied – and fits r at
these local maxima to obtain a continuous reflectance baseline.F is then
determined by using this reflectance baseline,according to the following
In this
way,an assumption similar to those of iFLD is made on the reflectance
function only,while the spectral sha
Another method was proposed by Mazzoni et al.
(2007) and named here extended FLD (eFLD).With a spectral
resolution of 0.03 nm,they estimated F in the three main absorption
bands.With this very high resolution a number of dark lines appear in
the incident spectruminstead of one single absorption band (see Fig.2).
Similar to what has been described for cFLD and iFLD,the eFLD
method first reconstructs the apparent reflectance at all the resolved
absorption lines present in a single feature (i.e.,band).For this purpose
it assumes that local maxima in the incident irradiance spectrum
correspond to no absorption –which is not always satisfied – and fits r at
these local maxima to obtain a continuous reflectance baseline.F is then
determined by using this reflectance baseline,according to the following
In this
way,an assumption similar to those of iFLD is made on the reflectance
function only,while the spectral sha
- 11,2,3,4,.10 2,3,4,5.11 3,4,5,6.12 .10,11,12,13.19 求这个方阵自然数的和.
- 2(1/2)已知一个N2O5分子的质量为b g,一个N2O3分子的质量为a g,若以氧原子质量的1/16作为相对原子质量...
- 3正方形的面积为100cm,则该正方形的对角线长为( )
- 45abc-{2a^b-[3abc-(4ab^-a^b)]},a=2/3,b=3/2,c=1
- 5水泥马路隔一段距离,筑路工人都要用圆盘锯在水泥地上开一条窄窄的缝隙,这些缝隙的作用是_,这说明构成物质的粒子具有的性质是_.
- 6小王,小李,小张三人做数学练习题,小王做的题数的一半等于小李的1/3,等于小张1/9,而且小张比小王多做72
- 7谁可以回答我的问题?:( )湖( )海( ( )中应填?)
- 8简单正态分布的计算
- 9卖冷饮的小店规定:5个空汽水瓶可换1瓶汽水.某班同学喝了161瓶汽水,其中有一些是用喝剩的空瓶换来的.那么,他们至少要买多少瓶汽水?
- 10已知关于x的方程3x+kx=8与1/2x=2的解相同,则k=_.
- 1一个正方形的面积变为原来的n倍,它的边长变为原来的多少倍?
- 2已知直线方程(m-1)x+(2m-1)y=m-5,求恒过点.
- 3钢厂三天运一批钢材第一天运走2∕5第二天运走比剩下的8∕15少3吨第三天比第二天少运14吨这批钢材共有几吨
- 4大自然的启示 自然现象 有何启发 收获渠道 ? ? ? ? ? ? 写两个及以上
- 5两米长木料,锯成同样长的4根做凳子腿,高大约是多少
- 6历史上为求贤而"三顾茅庐"是哪位历史人物
- 7列车以每小时80千米的速度行驶了3/4小时,所行驶的路程是全程的1/10,列车到达终点还需多少小时?
- 8英语作文my English teacher50字左右,
- 9You jump,I jump.有语法错误吗
- 10有A B两站 每个相同时间相向发出一辆车,A B之间有一自行车发现每隔4分钟迎面开来一辆车,每隔12分钟后又一辆汽车开来并超过他.若他们都匀速那么AB两站每个多少分发一车.怎么解