Many people use punishment to teach the difference between right and wrong to their children.Many think punishment is necessary to help children learn the distinction.To what extent do you agree or disagree?What kind of punishment do you think parents and teachers can use?
Overall,I disagree with this opinion expressed.Today a great number of people realize the importance of teaching children,and we should consider whether children should be punished to understand the right and wrong when they get trouble.
Undeniably,excessive punishment would be able to lead to severe problems to children’s physical health,and even psychological health.For example,some parents who have violent tendency could abuse and beat their children through making full use of tools and means.Moreover,those children beaten constantly may be less confidence than ever before.By contrast,those who hardly ever undergo the punishment are easily to open their mind to communicate with friend
Many people use punishment to teach the difference between right and wrong to their children.Many think punishment is necessary to help children learn the distinction.To what extent do you agree or disagree?What kind of punishment do you think parents and teachers can use?
Overall,I disagree with this opinion expressed.Today a great number of people realize the importance of teaching children,and we should consider whether children should be punished to understand the right and wrong when they get trouble.
Undeniably,excessive punishment would be able to lead to severe problems to children’s physical health,and even psychological health.For example,some parents who have violent tendency could abuse and beat their children through making full use of tools and means.Moreover,those children beaten constantly may be less confidence than ever before.By contrast,those who hardly ever undergo the punishment are easily to open their mind to communicate with friend
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