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The city road is a city skeleton ,that the road afforests status being concerning the city image ,taste and environmental quality are healthy,sustainable development,is very important infrastructure construction of city.The author investigation by the fact that the road afforests plant to downtown area,includes downtown area road ,traffic island ,plant kind ,community structure ,planting arrangement of shore Jiang Lu etc.mainly ,the road afforestation basis discovering distance of two is fairly good,but existence some road afforestation seeds of trees use a problem not to pawn ,some road seeds of trees are unitary being short of change ,the phytocoenosium structure that road afforestation deploys waits for relatively simplely,therefore,the author has used the planting arrangement principle and essential that road of multidigit scholar afforests for reference ,the brief analytical road has afforested condition,And a few ideas in having suggested that the author is inquiring into process,hope can make road afforestation especially perfect.
The city road is a city skeleton ,that the road afforests status being concerning the city image ,taste and environmental quality are healthy,sustainable development,is very important infrastructure construction of city.The author investigation by the fact that the road afforests plant to downtown area,includes downtown area road ,traffic island ,plant kind ,community structure ,planting arrangement of shore Jiang Lu etc.mainly ,the road afforestation basis discovering distance of two is fairly good,but existence some road afforestation seeds of trees use a problem not to pawn ,some road seeds of trees are unitary being short of change ,the phytocoenosium structure that road afforestation deploys waits for relatively simplely,therefore,the author has used the planting arrangement principle and essential that road of multidigit scholar afforests for reference ,the brief analytical road has afforested condition,And a few ideas in having suggested that the author is inquiring into process,hope can make road afforestation especially perfect.
- 1他昨天看电视.用英语翻译怎么写?
- 2我国为什么要鼓励青少年要创新
- 3高中阶段电离方程式问题
- 41、Mum goes running (for half an hour )every morning.(对括号提问)
- 5The children often take time to do things like_________.A.volunteer B.t
- 6转化率提高,平衡一定向正方向移动吗?
- 7有红绿紫三种颜色的袜子各6只,混在一个口袋中至少要摸出多少只才能保证摸出两双颜色相同的袜子
- 8写一句含桥的古诗句或谚语并解释他的意思
- 9the little boy is too short to the apples on the trees的同义句
- 10义不杀少而杀众揭示了公输盤怎样的品质?
- 1把x mL CO2通过足量的Na2O2后再与y mL NO混合.x与y之和为30mL.若充分反应后气体的体积缩小为15mL,(忽略N2O4的存在,所有气体体积在相同条件下测得)则x:y可能为( )
- 2有一个水池单独开甲管需5分钟,单开乙管要10分钟,单开丙管15分钟放尽,三管一起打开2分钟再关闭乙管,问有多少秒可以主满水池
- 3请问现在进行时除了表示现在进行时外,它还可以表示什么样的时态的意思?
- 4小学六年级英语书面表达 介绍自己乘什么工具去上学.还有早餐吃什么 爸爸妈妈在哪里工作
- 5用长是120厘米的铁丝正好围成一个长方形(接头处忽略不计),长是宽的1.5倍,他的长是多少厘米?(用方程
- 6癌细胞是一种分裂失控的细胞,其自由水含量较正常的细胞低
- 7甲、乙两人两次同时在同一粮站购买粮食(假设两次购买粮食的单价不同),甲每次购买粮食100千克,乙每次购买粮食用去100元,设甲、乙两人第一次购买粮食的单价为每千克x元,第二次购
- 835乘4分之1+53乘0.25=?
- 9请帮忙找出50句被动语态的例句
- 10甲乙两列火车同时从相距500千米的两地相对开出,4小时后没有相遇还相距20千米,已知甲车每小时行65千米,乙车每小时行多少千米?