Today ,we are talking about forest fires .I’m Penny Wang ,a reporter ,I am in Indonesia .It is now three o’clock in the afternoon but I can’t see the sky .Thick smog is 26 most of South-East Asia .Thousands of people have eye or breathing problems .Some may even 27 Doctors believe living in this smog is as dangerous as 28 600 cigarettes a day .The firemen can’t 29 the fires .Because they are too big .Only a lot of rain can put them out .But the weather is very dry here and it may not rain for several weeks .How did these terrible fires start May were started by farmers or companies .They use fires to clear the land before they plant new crops 30 rice and rubber trees .Also ,a drought started many months ago .,so the land is very dry .What other problems are the fires 31 Well ,of course thy are very bad for people’s health .And no tourists are coming here .People don’t want to take a holiday in a 32 environment .But the most serious prob
Today ,we are talking about forest fires .I’m Penny Wang ,a reporter ,I am in Indonesia .It is now three o’clock in the afternoon but I can’t see the sky .Thick smog is 26 most of South-East Asia .Thousands of people have eye or breathing problems .Some may even 27 Doctors believe living in this smog is as dangerous as 28 600 cigarettes a day .The firemen can’t 29 the fires .Because they are too big .Only a lot of rain can put them out .But the weather is very dry here and it may not rain for several weeks .How did these terrible fires start May were started by farmers or companies .They use fires to clear the land before they plant new crops 30 rice and rubber trees .Also ,a drought started many months ago .,so the land is very dry .What other problems are the fires 31 Well ,of course thy are very bad for people’s health .And no tourists are coming here .People don’t want to take a holiday in a 32 environment .But the most serious prob
B,C,A,D,B; D,C,A,C,B自己做的,不一定是正确的
- 1孔孟孔的名是?
- 2牛头马面四不像是什么意思
- 31、有甲、乙两个粮仓,甲仓存粮640吨,从甲仓运出4分之1后,剩下的粮食是乙仓存粮的60%,乙仓存粮多少吨?
- 4‘’然则天下之事,但知其一,不知其二者多矣,可据理臆断欤?"运用了什么表达方式?说明了什么?
- 5赏析 段太尉逸事状 的艺术特点...
- 6一个圆的直径是8分米,半圆的周长是( )分米,半圆的面积是( )平方分米?
- 7由两个意思相反的词组成的词语 如:动静
- 8为什么三角形任意两边的差小于第三边
- 9point to point line是什么意思
- 10下列多项式能用公因式法分解的是 A x^2+16x+64 B x^2-16x-64 C x^2+4xy+y^2 D x^2-4xy-4y^2
- 1一个平行于圆锥地面的平面将圆锥的高分为相同的两端段,那么被分成的两部分的侧面积之比为
- 2在课间活动中,小英、小丽和小华在操场上画出A、B两个区域,一起玩投沙包游戏,沙包落在A区域所得分值与落在B区域所得分值不同,当每人各投沙包四次时,其落点和四次总分如图所示,
- 3求f(x)=1/(1-x)^2的导函数
- 4是一片文言文阅读,题目是两小儿辩日
- 5英语翻译
- 6China has a larger population than any other country in the world
- 7以笔尖接触镜面,此时笔尖和它的像的距离是1cm,则玻璃的厚度是多少cm?我知道答案是0.5厘米
- 816.8-5.1-4.9能简便运算的要简便运算
- 9(线性代数)利用行列式的性质证明
- 1027人参观野生动物园,有两种车可租:大车每天租金300元,限乘8人;小车每天租金200元,限乘四人.