Reports were received by London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted fourty-five miles south of London and the reports were similar in nature.A woman in a small village picking blackberries saw it first.The puma moved from place to place and it left behind it a trail of dead deer.Paw prints and puma fur were found as well.
Cat-like noises were heard at night and it was seen up a tree.Experts were now sure that the animal really was a puma.
这是我自己做的三册一课的writting答案 总觉得有毛病请大家指正 帮我看看哪里错?
Reports were received by London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted fourty-five miles south of London and the reports were similar in nature.A woman in a small village picking blackberries saw it first.The puma moved from place to place and it left behind it a trail of dead deer.Paw prints and puma fur were found as well.
Cat-like noises were heard at night and it was seen up a tree.Experts were now sure that the animal really was a puma.
这是我自己做的三册一课的writting答案 总觉得有毛病请大家指正 帮我看看哪里错?
我不知道你的题目是什么.但是一看你写到puma,45 miles south of London就想起这是新概念的第一课A puma at large!我是基于和原文的比较,发现一点小小问题:1)the reports were similar in nature.原文是讲见过美洲...
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