Sit back and wait
Song is the state-owned farmer fields dig.Suddenly,he saw a hare from the adjacent grass sprang a panic,the one hit the child on Tanabe's stump,then down there in a motionless.Farmers take a look at the past:the rabbit was dead.Because it is running too fast to have hit off his neck (shé) of the.Farmers delighted,and he did not spend a little effort,they picked up a fat,white hare great.He thought to himself; if every day,picked up a hare and the days like before.Since then,he could no longer refuse to farming out the strength of the.Every day,he hoes on the side,lying on the stump on the child front,waiting for just the second,third only to hare up his son hit the stump.In the world can there be so many cheap things ah.Farmers of course,no longer picked up the hare killed and his land was lying fallow
Song is the state-owned farmer fields dig.Suddenly,he saw a hare from the adjacent grass sprang a panic,the one hit the child on Tanabe's stump,then down there in a motionless.Farmers take a look at the past:the rabbit was dead.Because it is running too fast to have hit off his neck (shé) of the.Farmers delighted,and he did not spend a little effort,they picked up a fat,white hare great.He thought to himself; if every day,picked up a hare and the days like before.Since then,he could no longer refuse to farming out the strength of the.Every day,he hoes on the side,lying on the stump on the child front,waiting for just the second,third only to hare up his son hit the stump.In the world can there be so many cheap things ah.Farmers of course,no longer picked up the hare killed and his land was lying fallow
- 1四个四怎么等于四
- 2我一天花两小时做作业两种用英语怎么说
- 3would you please( )me something to eat?
- 41、乐乐7:15从家出发到学校,到学校的时间是7:50,那么这段时间时针走了( )度
- 5在一块长300米,宽200米的长方形地里,共收小麦24000千克.平均每公顷收小麦多少千克?
- 6There are many Chinese h--------- in Toronto,----------里面填什么
- 7食堂运来一袋面粉,吃了2/5,还剩90千克,食堂运来面粉多少千克?
- 8英语连词造句急!
- 9After() class,they often play soccer.A.having B.the class C.have class D.class over
- 10描述人品的词语
- 1两个数相加错看成相减,结果得18.2,比正确答案少29.6,原来两数分别是_和_.
- 2问下..执着..这2个字直接拼写出来的拼音要怎么拼.?大神们帮帮忙
- 3太阳大气层最薄的一层是?
- 4从天窗是怎么样的和天窗成了孩子们唯一的慰藉两方面概括全文,
- 5一个平行四边形与一个三角形的面积相等,但三角形的底边的长度正好是平行四边形的2倍,这个平行四边形的高与三角形的高是什么关系.( ) A.平行四边形的高与三角形的高相等 B.平
- 6请问,e、hao,ji、dian,ji liang,是什么词语.
- 7英语翻译
- 8(x+y)²+(x+y)-20用十字相乘法解?
- 9电子工业常用百分之30的FeCl3溶液腐蚀敷在绝缘板上的箔,制造印刷电路板,发生的反应是Cu+2FeCl3≈2FeCl2+CuCl2
- 10老师讲的知识,我基本上会懂了.修改病句