why is BBC so difficult to understand?
if you don't have background of what
BBC talks,you must find it very
difficult to understand.
with the greatese effort,I only can understand
50 percent of them,I think I just hit the
bottleneck and can't improve my listening
ability further more.can you tell me how
to overcome this phase?
I don't think my vocabulary is limited,
it's also not the matter of my pronoun-
ciation.I think it's the way of British
thinking and expression which is
different from us.
if you don't have background of what
BBC talks,you must find it very
difficult to understand.
with the greatese effort,I only can understand
50 percent of them,I think I just hit the
bottleneck and can't improve my listening
ability further more.can you tell me how
to overcome this phase?
I don't think my vocabulary is limited,
it's also not the matter of my pronoun-
ciation.I think it's the way of British
thinking and expression which is
different from us.
just like you said:I think it's the way of British
thinking and expression which is
different from us .
thinking and expression which is
different from us .
- 1y=∫1/x*lnx dx 求导
- 2I have no brother or sister (改为同义句) I‘m an ________ _________.
- 3解方程 (X+4÷80%*0.2)÷(X+48÷0.8)=36%
- 4若角α的顶点为坐标原点,始边在x轴的正半轴,终边在直线y=-x,求角a的正弦余弦正切
- 5曲线f(x,y)=0关于直线x+y+C=0的对称曲线方程为 ,关于直线x-y+C=0的对称曲线方程为
- 6已知偶函数f(x)在定义域闭区间0到正无穷内单调递减,求满足f(2x-1)小于f(1/3)的x的取值范围
- 7《爱在这里》的阅读答案
- 8冬夜读书示子聿古诗原文
- 9请在下列词语中任选两个词,并使用一种修辞手法,描写一段关于人生感悟的话,不超过80字
- 10I know your name 改为一般疑问句
- 1Which is the way to the post office 做宾语从句的时候,语序要变吗?
- 2已知函数f(x)是定义在【-2,5】上的减函数,则f(6-3x)的递增区间是什么?
- 3Do you think that one can find true love through the Internet?
- 4家用普通照明灯正常发光时,通过灯丝电流约为?(有选项)
- 5给一块正方形的桌布缝上花边,花边共长420厘米,这块桌布的边长是多少厘米?
- 62道初二英语填空题,
- 7课文“I have seen amazing things"全篇译文
- 8三个互不相等的有理数1,a+b,a 又可写成0,b/a,b,求a的2008次方-b的2009次方
- 9塑料皮碗的表面积为3平方厘米,在气压为760mmHg的情况下,挂衣钩下端能挂多重的物
- 10一个自然数(0除外)按因数的个数分为