I'm so honest and frendly.Friends are the relatives who care about you, be there for you,make you happy, but not for any profit. Friends are soldiers who fight with you in the crucial minutes, but never give you stress. Friends are the confidant who undergo beside you in the toughest moment, yet by no means leave alone. Friends are the craftsmen who can mend your brokenheart, but just accept your smile as a payment.As long as our heart need concern, our lives need friends. All people need friends, but not everyone has friends. Some people even do not know what a friend is. A friend is someone that shares idears with you and can help you and support you when necessary. A friend needs your time and care in time. A good friend can stand with you always nomatter in shine or in storm. A bad friend draws you to fall together. Good friends build you, bad friends rot and rob you! The proverb says "The friend inneed is the friend indeed", but today I heard another explaining: means "hello,how are you? and byebye!" On the other hand, I think the person who said the word wouldn't to make a friend to the person he said with. Ah, I know the person's word and I will do it!Everything is clear without a word!We can talk about the different culture between our coutries!
I'm so honest and frendly.Friends are the relatives who care about you, be there for you,make you happy, but not for any profit. Friends are soldiers who fight with you in the crucial minutes, but never give you stress. Friends are the confidant who undergo beside you in the toughest moment, yet by no means leave alone. Friends are the craftsmen who can mend your brokenheart, but just accept your smile as a payment.As long as our heart need concern, our lives need friends. All people need friends, but not everyone has friends. Some people even do not know what a friend is. A friend is someone that shares idears with you and can help you and support you when necessary. A friend needs your time and care in time. A good friend can stand with you always nomatter in shine or in storm. A bad friend draws you to fall together. Good friends build you, bad friends rot and rob you! The proverb says "The friend inneed is the friend indeed", but today I heard another explaining: means "hello,how are you? and byebye!" On the other hand, I think the person who said the word wouldn't to make a friend to the person he said with. Ah, I know the person's word and I will do it!Everything is clear without a word!We can talk about the different culture between our coutries!
- 1同一轨道上前后两列车,前车V1=10m/s,后车V2=20m/s,间距S=100m,后车刹车a2最大为0.5m/s^2,前车应以多大a1才能避免相撞?
- 2《工程数学》概率统计题目
- 3x+2y=1,则2的x次方+4的y次方的取值范围为?
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- 6将-10、-8、-6、-4、-2、0、2、4、6填入九宫格内,使每行、每列以及每斜对角的三个数之和都相等.
- 7有2点M(-1,0),N(1,0)且P使向量MP*MN ,向量PM*PM ,向量NM*NP 成公差小于0的等差数列.
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- 11-36号元素中原子的未成对电子数最多的是哪种元素?
- 2cos^2(pai/2+x)
- 3有关桥的课文我们学了不少,这些课文对桥是怎样描写的
- 4电导检测器为什么可用作离子色谱分析的检测器
- 5已知F是双曲线x25-y24=1的右焦点,点P在双曲线上,点Q在圆(x-8)2+(y-2)2=1上,则|PF|+|PQ|的最小值为( ) A.35-1 B.5+1 C.55-1 D.75-1
- 6雷锋的故事观后感
- 7求y=-3(x+1)∧2-4的函数值的变化情况,顶点坐标及图象.
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- 9一个比的后项是4,比值是2/3,如果把这个比的前项除以1/5,后项乘5,比值是()
- 10一块西红柿地今年获得丰收.第一天收了全部的3/8,装了3筐还余12千克,第二天把剩下的全部收完,正好装了6筐.这块地共收了多少千克?用算术解