Total solar eclipse was visible
Today, the sun and the moon five hundred years a date -- total solar eclipse was visible. Despite the bad weather, we shiyan with the naked eye can see this spectacular, but I open a computer, Internet search to live from the whole process of total solar eclipse was visible. I am very happy, because the five hundred rare total solar eclipse was visible, but we are lucky to see, in Shanghai will see once every eight hundred years, we really lucky.
We see is the direct observation of sichuan chamber, because there the weather is very good, no clouds, observation is very clear. At first we see a black ball near the sun, experts say it is tangent, after a while, the moon covered the sun, a side ChuKui formed, the black ball slowly cover the sun ShiJi, this call, while the sun and the moon, when it lasted about six seconds, then the earth becomes a dark day into night, that is ShiShen. Maybe six minutes, a circle around the ball of fire dizzy, orange, formed a halo around a few such as diamond rings, a shining light rays, really wonderful! Let a person feel so incredible, this call to play.
Today, the sun and the moon five hundred years a date -- total solar eclipse was visible. Despite the bad weather, we shiyan with the naked eye can see this spectacular, but I open a computer, Internet search to live from the whole process of total solar eclipse was visible. I am very happy, because the five hundred rare total solar eclipse was visible, but we are lucky to see, in Shanghai will see once every eight hundred years, we really lucky.
We see is the direct observation of sichuan chamber, because there the weather is very good, no clouds, observation is very clear. At first we see a black ball near the sun, experts say it is tangent, after a while, the moon covered the sun, a side ChuKui formed, the black ball slowly cover the sun ShiJi, this call, while the sun and the moon, when it lasted about six seconds, then the earth becomes a dark day into night, that is ShiShen. Maybe six minutes, a circle around the ball of fire dizzy, orange, formed a halo around a few such as diamond rings, a shining light rays, really wonderful! Let a person feel so incredible, this call to play.
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