When I was a kid, my father always spent a lot of money on all kinds of toys for me. Although they were very expensive, I never really treat them well. What often happened was that I would break them apart not long after I received them. My father never blamed me for this, but bought me more toys. In the process of breaking the toys apart, I always wondered what made the toy move. Looking at those mechanic structures, I felt they were so amazing and people who invented them were amazing as well.
I always thank my father a lot. I have always been good in math and science since elementary school, partially because my father is an elementary school math teacher and he uses all kinds of method to inspire me to learn, such as buying me many encyclopedias. Buying me toys was one of the methods, too.
Because I was interested in Physics in middle school, I had top grades in Physics class. I thought about majoring in Physics in college. However, considering that I like doing hand-on-hand work, I chose Mechanical Engineering as my major which is closely related to Physics and allows me to enjoy the working part.
PS: 第一句和第二句话里,你说的“附近”和“夫妻”是 “父亲”把.?
I always thank my father a lot. I have always been good in math and science since elementary school, partially because my father is an elementary school math teacher and he uses all kinds of method to inspire me to learn, such as buying me many encyclopedias. Buying me toys was one of the methods, too.
Because I was interested in Physics in middle school, I had top grades in Physics class. I thought about majoring in Physics in college. However, considering that I like doing hand-on-hand work, I chose Mechanical Engineering as my major which is closely related to Physics and allows me to enjoy the working part.
PS: 第一句和第二句话里,你说的“附近”和“夫妻”是 “父亲”把.?
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