Thesis: Is Paia a better choice for Luba than Lachance?
Paia is a better choice for Luba than Lanchance.Luba is the only girl of Dominescu family,she is one of the main characters in the novel “Foreigners”. After Dominescu family going through the hard time in Cancada just immigrated,Luba becomes more matured and attractive . Paia Manescu and Lachance are two boys who fall in love with this young lady and they compete with each other to win her heart. Although the blue eyed boy, Lachance is seems to be more attractive to Luba but Paia’s love for Luba has lasted for a long time.Paia’s family and Dominescu’family have more relationship that they totally suport their get marry.Also Paia and Luba have more things in common to improve their emotional life,identical language and culture.In the novel,Paia is a careful boy and in future he can be both a nice son and good husband to help Dominescu family to get out of trouble.
In the novel,there a lots o
Thesis: Is Paia a better choice for Luba than Lachance?
Paia is a better choice for Luba than Lanchance.Luba is the only girl of Dominescu family,she is one of the main characters in the novel “Foreigners”. After Dominescu family going through the hard time in Cancada just immigrated,Luba becomes more matured and attractive . Paia Manescu and Lachance are two boys who fall in love with this young lady and they compete with each other to win her heart. Although the blue eyed boy, Lachance is seems to be more attractive to Luba but Paia’s love for Luba has lasted for a long time.Paia’s family and Dominescu’family have more relationship that they totally suport their get marry.Also Paia and Luba have more things in common to improve their emotional life,identical language and culture.In the novel,Paia is a careful boy and in future he can be both a nice son and good husband to help Dominescu family to get out of trouble.
In the novel,there a lots o
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