1.open“FH”cover of the battery and connect one terminal of the cable to DC output of the battery and indicator terns to green;
2.put the battery to camera;
3.connect the other terminal of the cable to DC input place of the camera and it can work.
please save your pictures and have the battery charged when indicator light turns to yellow as there is only 10mins to 20mins'photographing.
remark:please take out of the battery if no use.
1.it can be directly use after putting battery to camera without cable.
2.it also works if using cable according to above instruction like"I".
1.open"charger"cover,connect one terminal of the cable to "charger" socket and charge the battery with Snoy AC-L25A and AC-VQP10 charger.the indicator turns to be yellow when charging and it turns out after finishing charging.
2.the battery can be charged by all Snoy FP&FH series charger.
1.open“FH”cover of the battery and connect one terminal of the cable to DC output of the battery and indicator terns to green;
2.put the battery to camera;
3.connect the other terminal of the cable to DC input place of the camera and it can work.
please save your pictures and have the battery charged when indicator light turns to yellow as there is only 10mins to 20mins'photographing.
remark:please take out of the battery if no use.
1.it can be directly use after putting battery to camera without cable.
2.it also works if using cable according to above instruction like"I".
1.open"charger"cover,connect one terminal of the cable to "charger" socket and charge the battery with Snoy AC-L25A and AC-VQP10 charger.the indicator turns to be yellow when charging and it turns out after finishing charging.
2.the battery can be charged by all Snoy FP&FH series charger.
1 .打开“跳频”涵盖的电池和连接一台终端的电缆直流输出的电池和指标燕鸥绿色;
2 .把电池相机;
3 .其他终端连接的电缆DC输入地点的摄像头,它可以工作.
请保存您的照片,并有电池被控指示灯熄灭时,以黄色作为只有10分钟,以20mins'photographing .
1 .它可直接使用电池后,把相机没有电缆.
2 .它还如果使用电缆根据上述指示,如“我” .
1 .打开“充电”的封面,连接一台终端的电缆,以“充电”插座和充电电池与Snoy交流L25A和AC - VQP10 charger.the指标变成黄色时,将收费和原来后充电.
2 .电池可收取的所有Snoy计划生育及跳频系列充电器.
2 .把电池相机;
3 .其他终端连接的电缆DC输入地点的摄像头,它可以工作.
请保存您的照片,并有电池被控指示灯熄灭时,以黄色作为只有10分钟,以20mins'photographing .
1 .它可直接使用电池后,把相机没有电缆.
2 .它还如果使用电缆根据上述指示,如“我” .
1 .打开“充电”的封面,连接一台终端的电缆,以“充电”插座和充电电池与Snoy交流L25A和AC - VQP10 charger.the指标变成黄色时,将收费和原来后充电.
2 .电池可收取的所有Snoy计划生育及跳频系列充电器.
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