Many students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and frustrating experience.The lecturer speaks for one or two hours,perhaps 47 the talk with slides,writing up important information on the blackboard,48 reading material and giving out-49 -.The new student sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks and wonders what to write.Very often the student leaves the lecture with notes which do not catch the main points and which become hard even for the students to understand.
Most institutions provide courses which-50-new students to develop the skills they need to be 51 listeners and note - takers.If these are unavailable ,there are many useful study – skills guides which enable learners to practice these skills 52__.In all cases it is important to -53--the problem before actually starting your studies.
It is important to 54 that most students have difficulty in acquiring the language skills required in college study.
Many students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and frustrating experience.The lecturer speaks for one or two hours,perhaps 47 the talk with slides,writing up important information on the blackboard,48 reading material and giving out-49 -.The new student sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks and wonders what to write.Very often the student leaves the lecture with notes which do not catch the main points and which become hard even for the students to understand.
Most institutions provide courses which-50-new students to develop the skills they need to be 51 listeners and note - takers.If these are unavailable ,there are many useful study – skills guides which enable learners to practice these skills 52__.In all cases it is important to -53--the problem before actually starting your studies.
It is important to 54 that most students have difficulty in acquiring the language skills required in college study.
47B 48 e 49 f 50 g51a52d53 o54h55k56j需要知道这段话的意思,发我信息,在此就不翻译给你了
- 1已知平行四边形ABCD的周长为36cm,过D作AB,BC边上的高DE、DF,且DE=43cm,DF=53cm,求平行四边形ABCD的面积.
- 2牛字旁该怎样写?笔顺……急用………………
- 3系动词stand
- 4《陋室铭》中表明陋室不陋的原因的句子
- 5氢氧化钠固体暴露在空气中发生反应的化学方程式
- 6物体带正电实质上是什么,物体带负电实质是什么
- 7求满足方程组2x-y-4m=0 ;14x-3y=20中的y值是x值的3倍的m的值,并求(xy)/(x+y)的值.
- 8为什么要保护空气.
- 9小明在计算有余数的除法时,把被除数128写成182,这样商比原来多了6而余数正好相同 原来的商是多少
- 10孟子曾提出要做到舍生取义.请你举出两例历史上舍生取义的人物故事
- 1用六根长短相同的小棒摆出四个形状大小相同的三角形
- 2排水集气法,集气瓶收集气体哪进哪出
- 3如图,在平面直角坐标系中放置一矩形ABCO,其顶点为A(0,1)、B(-3根号3,1)、C(-3根号3,0)、O(0,0).
- 4已知关于x的方程x2-(2m+1)x+m2-4=0,如果方程的两个不相等的实数根的平方和等于15,求m的值.
- 5迁徙的动物有哪些,它们迁徙的原因是什么?
- 6the audience whistled and shouted,waiting for her to sing one _song
- 7已知cos(75度+a)=5÷13a是第三象限角,求sin(195度-a)+cos(a-15度)的值O
- 8碳的同位素碳13的主要用途
- 9某仓库要运95吨货物,前两天平均每天运走14.5吨,剩下的要求4天运完,平均每天运多少吨?
- 10小明书桌上有一盏25瓦的台灯,请你算一算一度电能使这盏台灯照明多少小时?