To it,and that micro-blog (MicroBlog) short,is a relationship based on user information-sharing,dissemination and access platform,users can WEB,WAP and client components of various individual communities to about 140 words of text updates And instant sharing.The earliest and most famous is the United States microblogging twitter,according to the relevant public data,as of January 2010,the product in the world already has 75 million registered users
Relative to the layout of the blog layout for the stressed,microblogging is the content of the composition formed by a simple word or two,from this perspective,the technical requirements of the user threshold is very low,and the arrangement of tissue in the language,no blog is so high,only reflect their own feelings,not long-winded,it is also easy to update,and blog compared to the number of words have also been limited; microblogging open API allows multiple users to a large number of mobile phones,Internet and other ways to in
To it,and that micro-blog (MicroBlog) short,is a relationship based on user information-sharing,dissemination and access platform,users can WEB,WAP and client components of various individual communities to about 140 words of text updates And instant sharing.The earliest and most famous is the United States microblogging twitter,according to the relevant public data,as of January 2010,the product in the world already has 75 million registered users
Relative to the layout of the blog layout for the stressed,microblogging is the content of the composition formed by a simple word or two,from this perspective,the technical requirements of the user threshold is very low,and the arrangement of tissue in the language,no blog is so high,only reflect their own feelings,not long-winded,it is also easy to update,and blog compared to the number of words have also been limited; microblogging open API allows multiple users to a large number of mobile phones,Internet and other ways to in
- 1在△ABC中,已知2向量AB*向量AC=√ 3|向量AB|*|向量AC|=3BC²,求A,B,C的大小.
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- 3Alice has two sisters.变成否定句:
- 4英语选择题I can`t cook delicious meals like my parents,so I have to _____.
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- 81.求证:5的23次方-5的21次方能被120整除.
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- 1指出除去下列物质中的杂质(括号内物质)所用试剂,写出发生反应的离子方程式
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- 3xy都大于0,x加y等于1,证明x分之1加y分之1大于等于8减xy分之1
- 4孤单的反义词
- 5已知log3[log4(log2x)]=0,则x=_.
- 6求一道数学题的过程和原因!
- 7英语 书面表达 早起对于我们每个人都很重要,写一篇关于早起的短文 Eariy Rising
- 8现有稀硫酸、稀盐酸、硫酸钠、碳酸钠、氯化钠等五种无色溶液,写出反映的化学方程式和例子方程式
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