1.Please illustrate with two examples the use of collective nouns that could be singular or plural forms.
2.Could you expiain the subjective-verb agreement for the existential sentence?
3.how do you understand the concept of double genitive?
4.What is the difference between anaphoric specific reference and cataphoric specific reference?
5.How do you achieve the pronoun agreement in a discourse?
6.Please explain the use of the reflexive pronoun as an object in a sentence.
7.What is the difference between the past progressive aspect and simple past tense?
8.What is the difference between present perfect aspect and simple past tense?
9.Please list at least five ways to express future time
10.Please explain three ways toexpress the be-type subjective mood.
11.Could you summrise the basic principle of spistemic use of moda; auxiliary?
12.Could you please illustrate the use of absolute construction?
1.Please illustrate with two examples the use of collective nouns that could be singular or plural forms.
2.Could you expiain the subjective-verb agreement for the existential sentence?
3.how do you understand the concept of double genitive?
4.What is the difference between anaphoric specific reference and cataphoric specific reference?
5.How do you achieve the pronoun agreement in a discourse?
6.Please explain the use of the reflexive pronoun as an object in a sentence.
7.What is the difference between the past progressive aspect and simple past tense?
8.What is the difference between present perfect aspect and simple past tense?
9.Please list at least five ways to express future time
10.Please explain three ways toexpress the be-type subjective mood.
11.Could you summrise the basic principle of spistemic use of moda; auxiliary?
12.Could you please illustrate the use of absolute construction?
- 1加入盐酸酸化的氯化钡,产生沉淀,能说明里面存在硫酸根离子吗,酸化的含义是什么,作用是什么
- 2如图 四边形ABCD中 AB BC CD DA的边长分别为3 4 13 12且∠ABC=90° 则四边形ABCD的面积为
- 34(2x-1)²-9(2x-1)²=0
- 4已知初一两班各有44人,各有一些学生参加课外天文小组,1班参加天文小组的人数刚好是2班没有参加人数的三分之一,2班参加天文小组的人数是1班没有参加人数的四分之一,问两个班参加的人数各是多少?
- 5已知命题p:方程x2+mx+1=0有两个不等的负实根,命题q:方程4x2+4(m-2)x+1=0无实根,若p或q为真,p且q为假,则实数m的取值范围是( ) A.(1,2]∪[3,+∞) B.(1,
- 64万2千平方米等于多少亩?急.
- 7成功时不骄傲例子
- 8硫酸亚铁含硫多少?含铁多少?
- 9《柏林之围》画线句是对儒弗上校的描写.任选其中两句分析.
- 10现含有一种杂质的铁粉5.6克,跟足量的稀硫酸充分反应后生成气体2.4L,则铁含有的杂质是 A锌 B铜 C铝 D碳