以“What Can A Good Book Bring Us"为题写一篇英语演讲稿,呼吁同学多读书
What Can A Good Book Bring Us
As we all know,there are plenty of famous sayings about good books and reading.such as
“Reading a good book is like talking with a great many wise and noble people in the past”,
“Books are the stepping stones to human progress.” From these famous sayings we
can draw a safe conclusion that a good book can bring us not only wisdom of the wise
people in history,but also the progress and development of both ourselves and we
human beings.
In order to benefit from reading good books,we should first learn to tell good books from
bad ones.In most people’s opinion,books that may have bad influence over our healthy growth and development,or books that may mislead us are all bad books.We should of course avoid reading such books.On the contrary,those books involved in practical skills
and technologies,good advice on our study ,work and life,and books that are
considered to be “Masterpieces of world literature” and so on are good books.While
reading good books,we can get not only the pleasure of reading and rich knowledge,we can also broaden our horizons and enrich our spiritual world.At the same time,what we
get from these good books can be of great help to our healthy development at present
and in the future.
“Reading makes a full man,” Francis Bacon once said in his famous essay<On studies>.
Therefore,if you intend to become a full man,friends,let’s try hand in hand to read good books together.
What Can A Good Book Bring Us
As we all know,there are plenty of famous sayings about good books and reading.such as
“Reading a good book is like talking with a great many wise and noble people in the past”,
“Books are the stepping stones to human progress.” From these famous sayings we
can draw a safe conclusion that a good book can bring us not only wisdom of the wise
people in history,but also the progress and development of both ourselves and we
human beings.
In order to benefit from reading good books,we should first learn to tell good books from
bad ones.In most people’s opinion,books that may have bad influence over our healthy growth and development,or books that may mislead us are all bad books.We should of course avoid reading such books.On the contrary,those books involved in practical skills
and technologies,good advice on our study ,work and life,and books that are
considered to be “Masterpieces of world literature” and so on are good books.While
reading good books,we can get not only the pleasure of reading and rich knowledge,we can also broaden our horizons and enrich our spiritual world.At the same time,what we
get from these good books can be of great help to our healthy development at present
and in the future.
“Reading makes a full man,” Francis Bacon once said in his famous essay<On studies>.
Therefore,if you intend to become a full man,friends,let’s try hand in hand to read good books together.
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- 2某同学对过氧化氢分解产生氧气的条件进行了探究.获得哪些信息
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- 4一批服装卖掉2/13件后,又卖掉30件,这是卖出的数量是剩下的5/8,还剩多少件?不用方程)
- 5甲乙两人分别从ab两地同时出发,相向而行,甲的速度是乙的1.5倍,而相遇后继续行驶,各自到达B、A后,立即返回,已知两人第二次相遇地点距第一次相遇地点10千米.求A、B两地相距多少千米?
- 6小红和小明共捐款46元 小明再捐5元 小红在捐2元 小红比小明多捐三元 小明
- 7两个连续奇数的平方差(取正数)是 神 秘数 为什么?
- 8The traffic accident happened on the highway 怎么译?
- 9某车间加工一批零件,上半月完成了计划的3/5,下半月完成了计划的4/7,全月实际超过了计划的几分之几?
- 10关于物质的量
- 1表示热心助人的成语(4个)
- 2代数式X²+3X-5的值为2,则代数式2X²+6X-3的值为?请把解题过程也写下来!
- 3在(0,2π)内,使sina×cosa0同时成立的a的取值范围是
- 4为什么金属钾、钠易与O2、H2O反应,所以封存在煤油中?
- 5已知函数f(x)=x−1x+1,则方程f(x2)=3/5的解为_.
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- 7含水率10%的湿砂220g,其中水的质量是多少?
- 8一物体做匀变速直线运动,某时刻速度大小为4米每秒,1秒后速度大小变为10米每秒,在这1秒内该物体的
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- 10《观潮》第2段在描写激烈的习战之后,江面上一片寂静.在这里作者采用了什么写法,有什么好处?