初二英语作文 现在学生进网吧成风,某班主任开会时将讨论有关问题,请根据内容写一篇演讲稿
益处 1 学会使用现代设备 2 学习更多的知识 3 开扩视野
弊端 1 过于沉迷游戏 2 网上交友,学习越来越差
建议 1在工作日是,不上网 2 寒,暑假时可适当去
益处 1 学会使用现代设备 2 学习更多的知识 3 开扩视野
弊端 1 过于沉迷游戏 2 网上交友,学习越来越差
建议 1在工作日是,不上网 2 寒,暑假时可适当去
Hello, everyone! My speech is about students who like going to Internet cafes and surfing online. Now many students like to do that. There are some advantages and disadvantages.
On the one hand, students have learnt to use modern euipment and more knowledge. It will also open their eyes to the world.
But on the other hand, they may be lost in online games and make friends on the Internet. It will waste their time and make them worse and worse in study.
I have some advice. We shouldn't surf the Internet on workdays, and we can do it during summer and winter holidays.
That's all. Thanks for listening.
Hello, everyone! My speech is about students who like going to Internet cafes and surfing online. Now many students like to do that. There are some advantages and disadvantages.
On the one hand, students have learnt to use modern euipment and more knowledge. It will also open their eyes to the world.
But on the other hand, they may be lost in online games and make friends on the Internet. It will waste their time and make them worse and worse in study.
I have some advice. We shouldn't surf the Internet on workdays, and we can do it during summer and winter holidays.
That's all. Thanks for listening.
- 1hermite矩阵标准形有什么特点呢?
- 2搁、填、怨、掀、唉、裹、魁、梧、淋、撕、霉、虑的组词.要求个组2个,或两个以上.
- 3如何写以“这就是我的、、、”开头的作文
- 4有一对兔子,如果他们每个月生一对兔子,且新生的兔子在第二个月后也是每个月生一对兔子,问一年后有多少
- 5As is well-known,China has the largest population,中As is well-known 是什么从句
- 6孔子的成就有什么?
- 7小明比小文多3分,小文比小丽多3分,三人的乘积是90720,他们各得了几分
- 8(2又四分之一减四又二分之一减一又八分之一)乘(负八分之九)
- 9使用化学手段,可以消除环境污染.下列主要依靠化学手段消除环境污染的是( ) A.在燃料煤中添加氧化钙 B.将某些废旧塑料熔化后重新成型 C.用多孔吸附剂清除水面油污 D.把放射性核废
- 10与310 最接近的两个整数是_.
- 1已知某多边形内角和与外角和是2160度,求该多边形对角线的条数
- 2有没有人是绝缘体的
- 3杨幂看一本宫锁心玉的书,第一天看了全书的5分之1,第二天看了全书的6分之1,两天共看了33页.
- 4食堂买大米14/5吨,第一天吃了4/5吨,第二天吃了余下的3/5,两天共吃了多少吨?
- 5江城子 密州出猎 苏轼
- 6计算:2根号3/3+根号3+根号12-(根号3+1)^2+4根号3/4÷根号5又1/3
- 7已知数列{an}是等差数列,平面内三点A,B,C共线,且向量OA=a1006向量OB+a1007向量OC,则数列{an}的前2012项和S2012=
- 8人教版六年级下册数学书64页1、2、4、5题
- 9Rember me,please I love you all the time
- 10an为等比数列,a1=1 d=2 Sk+2-Sk=24 则k=5 由题得Sk+2-Sk=ak+1+ak+2为什么啊啊?