关于A very shy person的作文
I am a very shy person 3 years ago
I am a very shy person.Whenever someone whom I don’t know tries to talk to me,I freeze up and my heart skips a beat.
Then,I either ignore them or go into this state of icy rudeness.And I am not a rude person,I am usually very polite,quiet,and sweet.Honest ;) I can be a very good friend,if only some of them had tried harder.But,now I realize it’s my turn to try harder.
So,from now,on,and especially starting Monday at my High School,I’m going to try to smile more.I’ve heard that people who think no one like them walk around with an expression on their face,which makes them less approachable,even to the most fearless people.
So…if anyone here goes to my school,and you think you know who I am,and I am smiling shyly,please,please,smile back,it would make me feel a whole lot better.Oh,amd please excuse the look of confusion on my face afterwards,that’ll go away in time :-P
I am a very shy person.Whenever someone whom I don’t know tries to talk to me,I freeze up and my heart skips a beat.
Then,I either ignore them or go into this state of icy rudeness.And I am not a rude person,I am usually very polite,quiet,and sweet.Honest ;) I can be a very good friend,if only some of them had tried harder.But,now I realize it’s my turn to try harder.
So,from now,on,and especially starting Monday at my High School,I’m going to try to smile more.I’ve heard that people who think no one like them walk around with an expression on their face,which makes them less approachable,even to the most fearless people.
So…if anyone here goes to my school,and you think you know who I am,and I am smiling shyly,please,please,smile back,it would make me feel a whole lot better.Oh,amd please excuse the look of confusion on my face afterwards,that’ll go away in time :-P
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