I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards的英语作文
It is always said"The early bird has something to eat."No matter how slowly you walk,just go forwards,you can get where you want to go!
Someone may say"I am so silly that I can't do that!".When you don't even have a try ,how can you know you can't do it?
Albert Einstein even can't say a clear word when he was three years old.
Edison can't read when he was twelve years old.
You can imagine how stupid they are in other people's opinion.Can you think you are a genius
when you can't say a word when you are three years old?Can you think you can bring benifits to all the humanbeings when you can't read when you are twelve years old?
Nothing should be predict when you don't have a try to do something!
Nothing is impossible!
Just do it!
When other peole see in a suspicious eyelight!Just leave them alone!
Although you are a slow walker,the road has an end,when you never walkbackwards,you can make it!
Someone may say"I am so silly that I can't do that!".When you don't even have a try ,how can you know you can't do it?
Albert Einstein even can't say a clear word when he was three years old.
Edison can't read when he was twelve years old.
You can imagine how stupid they are in other people's opinion.Can you think you are a genius
when you can't say a word when you are three years old?Can you think you can bring benifits to all the humanbeings when you can't read when you are twelve years old?
Nothing should be predict when you don't have a try to do something!
Nothing is impossible!
Just do it!
When other peole see in a suspicious eyelight!Just leave them alone!
Although you are a slow walker,the road has an end,when you never walkbackwards,you can make it!
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