We all know that a year are spring, summer, autumn, winter four season. I most like the season is spring, because the sky is blue, the air is humid; breeze blows on the people, can make people feel happy. The most important point, I most like the plant cherry is held in April! A group of Sakura was a beautiful, bright, charming. Walking in the cherry Road, each a Sakura tree hanging clusters of flowers, they or pink or red, like a little girl with a tiara. Do you like spring, please tell me.
We all know that a year are spring, summer, autumn, winter four season. I most like the season is spring, because the sky is blue, the air is humid; breeze blows on the people, can make people feel happy. The most important point, I most like the plant cherry is held in April! A group of Sakura was a beautiful, bright, charming. Walking in the cherry Road, each a Sakura tree hanging clusters of flowers, they or pink or red, like a little girl with a tiara. Do you like spring, please tell me.
帮你修改了一下,We all know that a year have four seasons that are spring,summer,autumn and winter .The season I like most is spring,because the sky is blue,the air is humid; breeze blows on the people...
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