WALL·E (2008) In a distant,but not so unrealistic future,where mankind has abandoned earth because it has become covered with trash from products sold by the powerful multi-national Buy N Large corporation,WALL-E,a garbage collecting robot has been left to clean up the mess.Mesmerized with trinkets of earth's history and show tunes,WALL-E is alone on Earth except for a sprightly pet cockroach.One day,Eve,a sleek (and dangerous) reconnaissance robot,is sent to earth to find proof that life is once again sustainable.WALL-E falls in love with Eve.WALL-E rescues Eve from a dust storm and shows her a living plant he found amongst the rubble.Consistent with her "directive" Eve takes the plant and automatically enters a deactivated state except for a blinking green beacon.WALL-E,doesn't understand what has happened to his new friend,but true to his love,he protects her from wind,rain,and lightening,even as she is unresponsive.One day a massive ship comes to reclaim Eve,but WALL-E,out of love or loneliness hitches a ride on the outside of the ship to rescue Eve.The ship arrives back at a large space cruise ship,which is carrying all of the humans who evacuated earth 700 years earlier.The people of earth ride around this space resort on hovering chairs which give them a constant feed of TV and video chatting.They drink all of their meals through a straw out of laziness and/or bone loss,and are all so fat that they can barely move.When the auto-pilot computer,acting on hastily given instructions sent many centuries before,tries to prevent the people of earth from returning,by stealing the plant,WALL-E,Eve,the portly captain,and a band of broken robots stage a mutiny.
- 1若a+a/1=3,求2a的三次方-5a的二次方-3+a的二次方+1/3的值
- 2一套衣服200元,裤子比上衣便宜20元,上衣多少元?
- 3为什么固体和液体体积小,气体体积大
- 44平方的线,一般能承受多大的电流?
- 5求解一道物理题关于求阻力...
- 6说说《自嘲》一诗反映了鲁迅的、什么样的生活态度?
- 7数学订正变式(1):tanα=根号3(1+m),tan(-β)=根号3(tanαtanβ+m),且α,β锐角,求α+β的值
- 8已知集合P=[-4,4],Q=[-2,2],下列对应x→y,不表示从P到Q的映射的是( )
- 9Good luch in new year, have a new job maybe a perfect one
- 10身高一米七二等于多少厘米?
- 1用所给单词的适当形式填空.1、A :_____ you _____(get) up at 6:30 in the morning?B:yes,I do.
- 2有什么光线能燃火 比如红外线 紫外线?
- 3--______.--I want a pair of sports shoes .的提问为什
- 4作文《家庭的温馨》
- 5谁不爱自己的祖国呢?每个炎黄子孙都会爱自己的祖国,采用什么修辞手法
- 6a,b都是正实数,n是正整数,求证1/2(a∧n+b∧n)小于或等于1/(a+b)[a∧(n+1)+b∧(n+1)]
- 7已知向量e1,e2不共线且OA=ke1+12e2,OB=4e1+5e2,OC=-ke1+10e2,且A,B,C三点共线,求k的值
- 8初二平方根的题.
- 9如图,AB是⊙O的直径,点C是圆O上异于A,B的任意一点,直线PA垂直于圆O所在平面,PA=2AC,AD垂直于PC
- 10小巧和小亚从A、B两地同时出发相向而行.小巧的速度是70米/分,小亚的速度是65米/分,两人第一次相遇时,小