What would happen without computer in our life
Computer is useful for our life ,so I can not imagine without computer.
If we lose our computer ,we can not connect with our friend in email and talk with each other in Internet.
If we lose our computer,we can not aquire foreign informations or internal information on time.
If we lose our computer ,we can not download music,film and so on to let us relax when we so tired.
If we lose our computer ,It must prevent technology from developing ,as well as bring some difficulties to deal with puzzle promblems.
Computer is useful for our life ,so I can not imagine without computer.
If we lose our computer ,we can not connect with our friend in email and talk with each other in Internet.
If we lose our computer,we can not aquire foreign informations or internal information on time.
If we lose our computer ,we can not download music,film and so on to let us relax when we so tired.
If we lose our computer ,It must prevent technology from developing ,as well as bring some difficulties to deal with puzzle promblems.
What would happen without computer in our lifeComputer is useful for our life(in our daily life) , so I can not imagine without computer(will the life looks like).If we lose our(不需要加our,后面都不...
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