阅读理解:Cafeteria Rules:
1 Children will line up outside the cafeteria doors in an orderly manner .
2 Children will clean their tables and floor before they leave the lunchroom.
3 Children willbe assigned tables by classrooms .
4 Children will talk in "low voices "while eating ,
5 Children can't run in the lunchroom .
6 Children will be respectful to fellow students,lunchroom personnel .
7 Children must raise hands before throwing food away .
Question :
1 What will the children do before they get into the cafeteria
2 What will the children do before they leave the cafeteria
3 When do the children put up their hands
4 What can't the children do in the cafeteria?
5 Can children talk loudly when eating?
1 Children will line up outside the cafeteria doors in an orderly manner .
2 Children will clean their tables and floor before they leave the lunchroom.
3 Children willbe assigned tables by classrooms .
4 Children will talk in "low voices "while eating ,
5 Children can't run in the lunchroom .
6 Children will be respectful to fellow students,lunchroom personnel .
7 Children must raise hands before throwing food away .
Question :
1 What will the children do before they get into the cafeteria
2 What will the children do before they leave the cafeteria
3 When do the children put up their hands
4 What can't the children do in the cafeteria?
5 Can children talk loudly when eating?
1.Line up.
2.Clean their tables and floor.
3.Before they throwing food away.
4.Children can't run in the cafeteria.
5.No,they can't.
2.Clean their tables and floor.
3.Before they throwing food away.
4.Children can't run in the cafeteria.
5.No,they can't.
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