"They (China's Navy) have had situations where they have intervened on our behalf,where one of our ships was being approached by a non-navy Chinese ship and being kind of harassed.And the commander of the (Chinese) warship said,‘I've spoken with this guy (U.S.ship commander),he's on constant course and speed,wget out of the way,and actually positioned himself (between the ships).So there are a few examples of this.We are starting to shape events.We have got to manage our way through this,in my opinion,through this East China Sea and South China Sea (tensions).We're not leaving.They know that.They would be the leadership of the Chinese Navy."
"They (China's Navy) have had situations where they have intervened on our behalf,where one of our ships was being approached by a non-navy Chinese ship and being kind of harassed.And the commander of the (Chinese) warship said,‘I've spoken with this guy (U.S.ship commander),he's on constant course and speed,wget out of the way,and actually positioned himself (between the ships).So there are a few examples of this.We are starting to shape events.We have got to manage our way through this,in my opinion,through this East China Sea and South China Sea (tensions).We're not leaving.They know that.They would be the leadership of the Chinese Navy."
- 1希腊,首都雅典,第几届奥运会在此举行.
- 2求二元一次方程组4x+3y=5,x-2y=4
- 3修改病句并说明原因 我还把今天的作业没作完
- 4长笛,箫等管乐器是通过——发声的,长的空气柱发声的音调——,短的空气柱发声的音调——
- 5一个长方体的高增加1厘米就变成正方体,表面积就增加36平方厘米,求增加部分的体积.
- 6how town own now的哪个读音不同
- 7经测算,地球上的资源可供100亿人生活100年,或可供80亿人生活300年.假设地球新生成的资源增长速度是一定的,为使人类有不断发展的潜力,地球最多能养活多少亿人?
- 8思思和华华两个人拿一条绳子去量一口缸的周长,若用绳子绕缸3周绳子多6分米;若用绳子绕缸4周,绳子又少
- 9七个一数排成一行,4个数的平均数是43,后4个数的平均数是72,已知七个数的平均数是56,求第四个数是多少啊!
- 10设二次函数f(x)=x2-(2a+1)x+3,若函数f(x)的单调增区间为[2,+∞],则实数a的值为
- 1令人出乎意料的成语.原本以为这成语是这意思,其实是另外一种意思.
- 2people celebrate christmas day by____(give) presents 为什么用giving
- 3如何来举例说明群落上各种生物之间的相互关系(热带雨林,常绿阔叶林,针叶林,草原,
- 4had been doing 和had been done有什么差别
- 5师徒二人共同维修一段路,徒弟单独维修7.5小时完成.师傅单独维修5小时完成,现在师徒二人先一起维修1小时
- 6电路图中开关的作用是什么?
- 7若一个棱长为2×10的3次方的正方体,在某种物质的作用下,以每秒体积扩大到原来的102倍的速度膨胀,求10秒后
- 8a的平方+a的负平方=4,求a的4次方+a的负4次方的值
- 9She brings in the soup from the kitchen.请问bring
- 10一桶油连桶共重50千克,第一次倒出油的一半少4千克,第二次倒出余下的油的四分之三多二又三分之二千克,这时剩下的油和桶共重六又三分之一千克.原来桶中有油多少千克?