The graphs show the cameras and radar are much successful than police cars.So my hometown added much cameras and radar last year.Before they were set up,my father likes driving a little faster than usual,about 80 km/h in downtown.But things changed after the cameras and radar were set up.Once my father was going to pick me and my sister up after classes.He was late,so he speeded over limitation 2 km/h when he was driving.Next day,he received a ticket from traffic police.The punishment was really expensive.Then he never showed the idea of speeding.
The graphs show the cameras and radar are much successful than police cars.So my hometown added much cameras and radar last year.Before they were set up,my father likes driving a little faster than usual,about 80 km/h in downtown.But things changed after the cameras and radar were set up.Once my father was going to pick me and my sister up after classes.He was late,so he speeded over limitation 2 km/h when he was driving.Next day,he received a ticket from traffic police.The punishment was really expensive.Then he never showed the idea of speeding.
The graphs show the cameras and radar are more successful in supervision than police cars.
So my hometown gouvernment installed many cameras and radar last year.
Before they were installed,my father likes driving a little faster than limited speed about 80 km/h in downtown.
But things changed after the cameras and radar were installed.
Once my father was going to pick me and my sister up after classes.
He was late,so he speeded over limitation 2 km/h when he was driving.
However,he received a ticket from traffic police next day,.
The fine was really high.
After that he never showed the idea of speeding
So my hometown gouvernment installed many cameras and radar last year.
Before they were installed,my father likes driving a little faster than limited speed about 80 km/h in downtown.
But things changed after the cameras and radar were installed.
Once my father was going to pick me and my sister up after classes.
He was late,so he speeded over limitation 2 km/h when he was driving.
However,he received a ticket from traffic police next day,.
The fine was really high.
After that he never showed the idea of speeding
- 1那位高手帮我写一篇火的危害作文啊,300字就够了
- 2已知P(x0,y0)是圆x^2+y^2=a^2内异于圆心的点,则直线x*x0+y*y0=a^2与圆位置关系是()?
- 3在献爱心捐款活动中,春蕾小学六年级捐款240元,比五年级多捐款20%,
- 4有一列火车每分600m的速度过第一、第二座铁桥,过了第二座铁桥比第一座多5s时间,又知第二座铁桥长度比第一座铁桥的2倍短50m,求两座铁桥的长分别是多少?
- 5如图,△ABC的高线AD,BE相交于M,延长AD,交△ABC的外接圆于G,求证:DM=DG.
- 6将抛物线y=x^2+1向上平移2个单位得到的抛物线的表达式为()
- 7有一个函数图像经过点(1,2),且y随x的增大而减少,则这个函数的解析式可以是
- 81+2+2的2次方+2的3次方+2的4次方.+2的2007次方 要清晰的过程
- 9how girls want bi policewoman to a many连成句子
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- 1把若干块糖分给小朋友,若每人三块,则多十二块,若每人五块,则少十块,问一共有多少个小朋友?多少块糖?
- 2拉力器 一根弹簧 多少公斤啊 谁知道
- 3已知数列an中其前n项和为sn,满足sn=2an-1,数列bn=1-log12an,求数列(an),(bn)的通项公式
- 4求作文 《窗外》
- 5下列物质既能使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色,又能使溴水褪色的是( ) A.乙酸乙酯 B.油酸 C.乙酸 D.植物油
- 6把圆柱形状的木块切开,拼成一个近似的长方体.这时长方体的表面积比圆柱体的表面积是增加了,增加的是哪
- 7已知-5*10^mx^2y^n与3^n*x^m+1y^n是同类项,求当合并同类向后,单项式的系数是负数时,n的最大值是几?当n取最大值时,合并同类项后的单项式的系数和次数是几?
- 8这里为什么不能用see sb.do sth?
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- 10现需要将500克质量分数为30%的双氧水配制成5%的溶液,可以配成5%的溶液多少克,需加水多少毫升