Robot satellites relay important
communications and identify weather patterns.Because the satellites can be
repaired only in orbit,astronauts are needed to repair them.Without repairs,
the satellites would eventually malfunction.Therefore,space flights carrying
astronauts must continue.
Which of the following,if true,would mostseriously weaken the argument above?
(A) Satellites falling from orbit becauseof malfunctions burn up in the atmosphere.
(B) Although satellites are indispensable
in the identification of weather patterns,weather forecasters also make some
use of computer projections to identify weather patterns.
(C) The government,responding to public
pressure,has decided to cut the budget for space flights and put more money
into social welfare programs.
(D) Repair of satellites requires heavy
equipment,which adds to the amount of fuel needed to lift a spaceship carrying
astronauts into orbit.提问时间:2021-04-01
Robot satellites relay important
communications and identify weather patterns.Because the satellites can be
repaired only in orbit,astronauts are needed to repair them.Without repairs,
the satellites would eventually malfunction.Therefore,space flights carrying
astronauts must continue.
Which of the following,if true,would mostseriously weaken the argument above?
(A) Satellites falling from orbit becauseof malfunctions burn up in the atmosphere.
(B) Although satellites are indispensable
in the identification of weather patterns,weather forecasters also make some
use of computer projections to identify weather patterns.
(C) The government,responding to public
pressure,has decided to cut the budget for space flights and put more money
into social welfare programs.
(D) Repair of satellites requires heavy
equipment,which adds to the amount of fuel needed to lift a spaceship carrying
astronauts into orbit.提问时间:2021-04-01
- 11.若一系列函数解析式相同,值域相同,但定义域不同,则称这些函数为 “同族函数”,那么函数解析式为Y=X的平方,值域为{1.4}的“同族函数共有几个?
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- 3英语翻译
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- 4函数y=cosx+1/cosx的值域是
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