Whether to buy insurance
Nowadays,many schools advise their students to buy insurance,but somebody is for ,somebody is against .
I have bought insurance .Based on many people’s opinion ,buying insurance is necessary.we can’t foresee when the accident will happen and whether we will get hurt in the accident.If someone get hurt in an accident,insurance can pay for his medicial expense so his family members won’t need to worry about the operation which is of a high price.
Based on my experience,i’m for buying insurance.I was hurt when i was playing basketball in the junior high school.To treat my hurt,it needs a expensive cost .But i paid little because of the insurance.
Generely speaking ,buying insurance have a lot of advantages and even no disadvantages.you won’t regret when you get an unexpected hurt.
Whether to buy insurance
Nowadays,many schools advise their students to buy insurance,but somebody is for ,somebody is against .
I have bought insurance .Based on many people’s opinion ,buying insurance is necessary.we can’t foresee when the accident will happen and whether we will get hurt in the accident.If someone get hurt in an accident,insurance can pay for his medicial expense so his family members won’t need to worry about the operation which is of a high price.
Based on my experience,i’m for buying insurance.I was hurt when i was playing basketball in the junior high school.To treat my hurt,it needs a expensive cost .But i paid little because of the insurance.
Generely speaking ,buying insurance have a lot of advantages and even no disadvantages.you won’t regret when you get an unexpected hurt.
我不是老师哈,今年才高考完."but somebody is for ,somebody is against ".可以加一个concerning this phenomenon,some students are for it,while the others disagree.按照套路来说哈,既然你第一段说了有人支持,有...
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