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When mentioned China, people naturally think of the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, etc. No doubt that all of these seem have been viewed as the symbols of China, and remembered forever. All of these are the tangible cultural heritage inherited from our ancestors, and of which we are always proud. But, what could we leave for the world today in the 20th century?
I would it be the passion. When referring China, people see it a nation full of passion, for spirit wealth is more valuable than material legacy.
Action leads dream fulfilled, and the key to take action rests with passion. So the key to make dream come true is whether you have passion. Take Yu Minhong, the CEO of New Oriental for instance, who is a man of passion, and was admitted by Pecking University from an impoverished mountain area unitl finally achieved his success in New Oriental through repetitive hard times. Until now he has given speec


修改后:When one mentions China,people naturally think of the Great Wall,the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace,etc.No doubt that all of these have been viewed as the symbols of China,and will be re...
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