in the midst of hardship
At dawn they returned home
Their soaky clothes torn
And approached the stove
Their limbs marked by scratches
Their legs full of wounds
But on their brows
There was not a sign of despair
The whole day and night just passed
They had to brave the horrendous flood
In the water all the time
Between bloated carcasses
And tiny chips of tree braks
Desperately looking for their son’s
Albino buffalo that was never found
They were born amidst hardship
And grew up without a sign or a complaint
Now they are in the kitchen,making
Jokes while rolling their cigarette leaves
At dawn they returned home
Their soaky clothes torn
And approached the stove
Their limbs marked by scratches
Their legs full of wounds
But on their brows
There was not a sign of despair
The whole day and night just passed
They had to brave the horrendous flood
In the water all the time
Between bloated carcasses
And tiny chips of tree braks
Desperately looking for their son’s
Albino buffalo that was never found
They were born amidst hardship
And grew up without a sign or a complaint
Now they are in the kitchen,making
Jokes while rolling their cigarette leaves
- 1我们不能死读书,只读有字之书,还要多参加社会实践活动,因为“————,————”.
- 2为测K2so4的溶液浓度取25毫升待测加BaCl2溶液反应后 得到BaS04沉淀1.165g 求K2so4溶液的物质量浓度是多少
- 3关于实对称矩阵的行列式计算
- 4linda are a gond girl.she get up early in the morning.she wash her face and brush her teeth.then she
- 5对驾驶已达到报废标准的机动车上道路行驶的驾驶人,处200元以上2000元以下罚款,并___.
- 6智商和智慧有什么区别?
- 7当水的温度从25度上升到35度时,水分子
- 8计数单位和数位的区别是:计数单位是指计算物体( )单位,而数位是指一个数中每个数字所占有( )的不同,表示的( )也不同.
- 9语法综合练习
- 10如果在某个进制下等式7*7=41成立,那么在该进制下等式12*12=( )也成立.
- 1请你设想一下:“如果没有光的折射现象生活中会出现什么样的情景?”请写出两个合理的场景.
- 2一平放的圆柱体,直径为D,长度为L,圆柱体内液体高度为变量h,求液体体积计算公式,
- 3x-2y+z=1,2x+3y-z=2,求3x+8y-3z=?
- 43 6 7 8四个数加减乘除等于24 一共有四种算法
- 5这两个离子方程式有没有错
- 6《西江月 夜行黄沙道中 》 诗句大意
- 7请设计鉴别盐酸,氢氧化钾溶液和蒸馏水三瓶无色液体的实验方案.
- 8用780g铁(密度7800kg/m^3)制成一个空心铁球,要求能悬浮在水中任意深度,求该铁球的空心部分的体积
- 9my age today is three times what it will be three years from now minus three times what my age was t
- 10设函数f(x)=2根号3sinxcosx+2cos^2x+m(1)求函数f(x)的最小正周期及单调递增区间