How can I made the inspection lot skip through use
I use dynamic modification rule in my inspection plan. So the lot will change according to the rule when UD was made. The situation is incoming quality control, and the lot will create accoring to GR posting.Then the problem occurs. I have two PO type. One is NB as the standard one. And another is ZNB, the order type is using material which is claim for compensation. Because we adopt one way to do GR for both order type. Then the inspection lot 's quality level will confused by two. Is there any to make the inspeciton lot which created by ZNB order irrelevant to the rule? If the user exit can meet my requirement, how to do it?Thank you. The problem is urgent to slove.
I use dynamic modification rule in my inspection plan. So the lot will change according to the rule when UD was made. The situation is incoming quality control, and the lot will create accoring to GR posting.Then the problem occurs. I have two PO type. One is NB as the standard one. And another is ZNB, the order type is using material which is claim for compensation. Because we adopt one way to do GR for both order type. Then the inspection lot 's quality level will confused by two. Is there any to make the inspeciton lot which created by ZNB order irrelevant to the rule? If the user exit can meet my requirement, how to do it?Thank you. The problem is urgent to slove.
Thank you Daniel Pereira.I do that because there are so many GR post.All that is for vendor complaiment.For finical resons,our stocker will post it many times.And so there will be as many as inspectio...
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