这句英文有没有语法错误 有没有更好的写法
Party B must not take personal leave without Party A’s written permission or will be considered the un-approved leave of absence from work.
错了是这句话上面的那个写错了 Party B must not take personal leave without Party A’s written permission or will be considered commencing an act of absence from work for un-approved leave.
Party B must not take personal leave without Party A’s written permission or will be considered the un-approved leave of absence from work.
错了是这句话上面的那个写错了 Party B must not take personal leave without Party A’s written permission or will be considered commencing an act of absence from work for un-approved leave.
没有语法错误.整句的意思就是若果没有A方的书面允许,B方不得因私人原因离开,否则将被视为未经同意擅自旷工.Party B must not take personal leave without Party A’s written permission or will be considered the un-approved leave of absence from work.就是一种更简洁的表述.
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