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Memory Problems
Memory problems are common.Everyone's memory can fail them at one time or another.Have you ever:forgotten the name of someone you just met; been unable to put a name to the face of a neighbor you saw at the movies; failed to get the one item you actually went to the market to buy; forgotten your new phone number at work; missed the birthday of someone for whom you already bought a card; forgotten where you parked the car at the mall; missed a Doctor's appointment; or forgotten to take the 8 pm dose of medication?Don't feel too bad -- you're not alone.
Many things around us influence our ability to make and retrieve memories.Physiologically,memory is affected by fatigue,nutrition,and common illnesses; a variety of medicines for various conditions can impair memory.Emotionally,memory varies with a person's attitude,mood,motivation,and upsets.Socially,group pressures and the prejudices of others can interfere with memory performance.Environmentally,the things around us may stimulate memory.
Let’s take a look at the case of John,and see what experts will say.John is not a self-absorbed or uncaring person,but his problem is that he forgets faces.Once,he didn’t recognize a fairly new neighbor at the market.So what’s wrong with him?Odds are,nothing,says Joel Kramer,PsyD,a neuro-psychologist in San Francisco.Everyone has strengths and weaknesses,he says,and some people are just bad at recalling names and faces.Of course,it is also possible John have a condition called face blindness,in which people suddenly have trouble recognizing family members,friends,or even themselves.Folks with this condition can have problems following the plot of movies because they can’t keep track of the characters’ identities.Face blindness can be cause by brain damage from a stroke or head trauma,or degenerative diseases.Finally,Kramer suggests to John a doctor’s visit,just in case.Otherwise,this may simply be a charming quirk (maybe not so charming to your neighbor).


This article explained that the memory problems are common things in daily life ,the author later use some examples to illustaute it.Then the author presents the reasons why memory problems heppened a...
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