concentrate on,succeed in,stay up,at present,in the way,care about.point,in a mess,instead of,obey When problems are ____,it is usually difficult for a person to ____ what he or she is doing.What we usually do is to _____ all night trying to get everying right.In fact,sleep is very important at the time,If you don't get enough sleep,your mind will be ____.That means you can't think properly.So,my ____ is that we should _____ the rule of nature.____making yourself exhausted.it is probably wiser for you to make a list of all the difficulties you have _____ and try to work out the most important problem,Don't ____ what others say.Just focus on one problem at a time and you'll finally_____ solving all of them
concentrate on,succeed in,stay up,at present,in the way,care about.point,in a mess,instead of,obey When problems are ____,it is usually difficult for a person to ____ what he or she is doing.What we usually do is to _____ all night trying to get everying right.In fact,sleep is very important at the time,If you don't get enough sleep,your mind will be ____.That means you can't think properly.So,my ____ is that we should _____ the rule of nature.____making yourself exhausted.it is probably wiser for you to make a list of all the difficulties you have _____ and try to work out the most important problem,Don't ____ what others say.Just focus on one problem at a time and you'll finally_____ solving all of them
When problems are IN THE WAY ,it is usually difficult for a person to CONCENTRATE ON what he or she is doing.What we usually do is to STAY UP all night trying to get everying right.In fact,sleep is very important at the time,if you don't get enough sleep,your mind will be IN A MESS.That means you can't think properly.So,my POINT is that we should OBEY the rule of nature.INSTEAD OF making yourself exhausted.It is probably wiser for you to make a list of all the difficulties you have AT PRESENT and try to work out the most important problem.Don't CARE ABOUT what others say.Just focus on one problem at a time and you'll finally SUCCEED IN solveing all of them.
- 1一个数十万位上的数是最小的合数,万位上是最小的质数,百位上是最大的一位数,其余各位上都是0,则这个数写作( ),读作( )省略万后面的尾数约是( )
- 2计算:(lg2)的平方+lg5乘以lg20减去1
- 3游山西村这首诗告诉我们的道理与哪个成语的意思相同?
- 4淘气正在读一本科普书,第一周读了90页,还剩下这本书的三分之一没读.这本书一共有多少页?
- 5长方体有几组相对的棱长度相等
- 6小红家有一桶油连桶重8千克,用去一半后,连桶还重4.5千克,原有油多少千克?
- 7已知x+y=-2,求x∧2-4x+y∧2+2xy-4y+4的值
- 8带有“万”字的成语有哪些
- 9if you rearrange the letters NARCEF you would have the name of a___?
- 10比15多20%的数乘4/9,积是多少
- 1kind翻译成中文是啥意思
- 2已知函数f(x)=sinx/x,证明:对定义域内任意x,f(x)
- 3被称为俄国文学的始祖的是?
- 4弹簧串并联公式应用时需要弹簧原长度一样吗
- 5一个物体在另一个运动的物体上运动 有摩擦力 如何分析
- 62×(1-1又7分之1)+1又7分之3×13+(-1又7分之3)×6-16×(1又7分之3)
- 7将104克由氯化钠和氯化钡组成的固体混合物溶解于足量的水中,向所得溶液中滴加10.6%的碳酸钠溶液,10.6%碳酸钠溶液加入100g时生成沉淀保持一定
- 8五(1)班有女生24人,男生30人,女生人数是男生的( )( ),男生人数占全班的( )( ).
- 9小明测得家旁一条河7:00的水位低于警戒线0.03米,小明每隔3时测量一次水位,每次测量的水位比上一次水位
- 10一个足球运动员用了100N的力在0.1S的时间内,将0.5千克的足球以8M/S的初速度沿水平方向踢出.