Once a king was walking around a pool with his ministers.[ 1 ],he came up with a smile.He asked,How many basketfuls of [ 2 ]are there in the pool.The ministers[ 3 ]to give an answer.The king was angry,you have to answer my question in three days.Three days passed,but[ 4 ]of the ministers had the answer.Just then,a child appeared who said that he knew it.The king told the ministers to lead the child to[ 5 ].To their surprise,the child[ 6 ]and said with a smile.It is easy.No need to go to the pool.This made the king [ 7 ].All right.Let us know what it is .The child,If you know the[ 8 ]of the basket,the answer is clearly[ 9 ].If it ios as big as the pool,there is one basketful of water ; half as big,two basketfuls… Stop .That it .You have got the answer.They were thinking of things[ 10 ]a wrong way.Sometimes to get out of the difficulty,one must change one way of thinking.
Once a king was walking around a pool with his ministers.[ 1 ],he came up with a smile.He asked,How many basketfuls of [ 2 ]are there in the pool.The ministers[ 3 ]to give an answer.The king was angry,you have to answer my question in three days.Three days passed,but[ 4 ]of the ministers had the answer.Just then,a child appeared who said that he knew it.The king told the ministers to lead the child to[ 5 ].To their surprise,the child[ 6 ]and said with a smile.It is easy.No need to go to the pool.This made the king [ 7 ].All right.Let us know what it is .The child,If you know the[ 8 ]of the basket,the answer is clearly[ 9 ].If it ios as big as the pool,there is one basketful of water ; half as big,two basketfuls… Stop .That it .You have got the answer.They were thinking of things[ 10 ]a wrong way.Sometimes to get out of the difficulty,one must change one way of thinking.
1.suddenly 2.water 3.couldn't 4.none 5.pool 6.refused 7.pleased 8.size 9.known 10.in
- 1找规律填数(数学)
- 2A和B两种元素的原子最外层电子数相等,但相差一个电子层,且两单质在常温下所处的状态相同,A、C两元素的电子层相同,并能形成化合物AC2,每个AC2分子中共有22个电子,回答:(1)写出由B的最高价氧化
- 3醋酸的化学式
- 4英语改句 明天就要,
- 5修改病句:1、看了《雷锋》这部影片时我受到了很深的教育.
- 60.151毫克等于多少美
- 7甲、乙两车分别从A、B两地同时出发,相向而行.甲每小时行80千米,乙每小时行65千米,相遇时,离中点还有30千米,A、B两地相距多少千米?
- 8完成这项艰难的工作非常困难 翻译成英语
- 9通常用液氯可以用钢瓶储存,而氯水却不能用铁制容器存放,原因是什么
- 10名人逆境短故事(100字以内)
- 1【王冕好学】记叙了王冕苦读的哪两件事?从中可以看出王冕是一个怎样的人?
- 2英语翻译
- 3马小虎是个粗心大意的孩子,在做一道除法算式时把除数六分之五当成了八分之五来计算,算出的结果是120
- 4在水中称金,要失去原重量的4/77,在水中称银,要失去原重量的2/21.今有金、银合金一块在空气中称重19.6千克,在水中称重18.4千克,在合金中金、银各有多少千克?
- 5我刚刚跑步回来 英文翻译
- 6如果方程3X 2M+3-2=0是一元一次方程,那么M=?
- 7英语翻译
- 8我有个老师,比我高明得多.这里的“老师”是指什么
- 9I love life because it gives me so much that I do not know how to thank it!
- 10在什么情况下用加减法,什么时候用代入消元法?(解二元一次方程)总结下