You could live without water for a few days.
We should save every frop of water.It is important.
There was no reply.
What do you mean by 'saving water'?
We should save every frop of water.It is important.
There was no reply.
What do you mean by 'saving water'?
You could live without water for a few days.
= If there were no water,you could live for a few days.
We should save every drop of water.It is important.
= It's important for you to save every drop of water.
There was no reply.
= Nobody replied.
= No one replied.
What do you mean by 'saving water'?
= What is the meaning of "saving water"?
= If there were no water,you could live for a few days.
We should save every drop of water.It is important.
= It's important for you to save every drop of water.
There was no reply.
= Nobody replied.
= No one replied.
What do you mean by 'saving water'?
= What is the meaning of "saving water"?
- 1制作一张桌子要用一个桌面和四条桌腿,1m3木材可制作20个桌面,或者制作400条桌腿,现有12m3木材,应怎样计划用料才能制作尽可能多的桌子呢?
- 2Beethoven played the piano until 12 o’clock.
- 3He does morning exercises every moring in order that he can keep healthy.
- 4按照布达拉宫的格式写一篇写景作文
- 5张老师说:“我们合唱队有126人.李老师说:"你们合唱队的人数比我们美术组人数的3倍少9人.美术组有多少人
- 6史记十书八表指的是什么
- 7若x²-4x+1=0,求下列代数式的值:(1)x+x分之1 (2)x²+x²分之1
- 8人生无数的瞬间汇成记忆的长河,一次匆匆的聚会,让人终生难忘,一张熟悉而又陌生的面庞唤起无穷的回忆;
- 9句子如下:作者的思路纵横驰骋:大至国际风云变幻,人类改造社会、征服自然的壮举,小至地方风俗、街谈巷议、个人的回忆、感想.(错误或许不只一处)
- 10直角三角形一条直角边为8cm,它所对的角为30°,则斜边上中线长为_cm.
- 1如图,这是------形成的模拟实验.图中的手电筒相当于------乙同学的头相当于-------当月亮围绕地球公转时
- 2给同学的怀念性赠言
- 37.The driver turned sharply to-----left to avoid a stone only to knock into------tree by the road.
- 4求一篇关于homeless people的英语小短文 要真实的哦~.
- 5航行问题船航行于两岸间,逆水要3小时,顺水要2小时,水速每小时3千米,则船在静水中速度是
- 6一块圆形木板,沿直径切割成两块,每块的周长是原来圆形木板周长的()倍
- 7After the teacher came in,the class _____.
- 8一段多核苷酸链中碱基组成为30%的A.30%的C.20%的G.20%的T.它是一段( ) A.双链DNA B.单链DNA C.双链RNA D.单链RNA
- 9孤立元:若S={1,2,3,5,7} 5为孤立元,那么7是孤立元吗?
- 10甲乙相距12千米abc三人同时从甲地出发他们步行的速度是每小时5千米,骑自行车每小时都是20千米,A骑了一段后换成步行,而把车放在途中留给B 接着骑,B骑了一段以后,换步行,把车留给C,ABC恰好同时