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六年级英语翻译0.0《Bee Movie》
Maybe you are tired of the human characters on the TV or in the movies. Maybe you want to get away from real life. Maybe you want to forget about hard work. You shouldn’t miss this movie about bees.
“Bee Movie” is a comedy that will change your idea about bees. This movie let us take a close look at the world through the eyes of one bee in particular –Barry B. Benson. A recent college graduate, Barry wants more out of life than the work that graduate, Barry wants more out of life than the work that is waiting for him making honey. Barry escapes from the hive and soon finds a world beyond his dreams. When Barry meets a florist, he breaks one of the important rules of beedom—he talks to her. The friendship soon develops between them and Barry learns a lot about the human race. When he discovers that anyone can buy honey right off the grocery store shelf ,he knows that his true calling is to stop this injustice and set the world right by suing the human race


“蜜蜂的故事”是一部将改变你对蜜蜂印象的喜剧.这部电影通过一只蜜蜂Barry B的视界近距离的看待世界.在大学毕业后不久,Barry 很想闯荡一下世界更甚于窝在家酿造蜂蜜.Barry 逃离了蜂巢不久找到了梦中的世界.当Barry 遇到了一个花店老板,他破坏了一个重要的beedom规则-他和她说话了.这个友谊不久在两人当中发展起来,Barry学到了很多关于人类的一些事情.当他发现人人都到商店疯狂采购蜂蜜时,他明白了他的使命就是阻止这个不公正的行为,控诉人类偷窃蜂蜜重新构筑世界和谐.接下来会发生什么呢?如果你对这个关于蜜蜂的故事感兴趣的话,赶快行动吧!“蜜蜂的故事”正在电影院里等你呢!
1.Bee Movie 直译是蜜蜂电影,在这里翻译成蜜蜂的故事更符合中国人的理解;
2.文中有两处抄录错误,Barry wants more out of life than the work that graduate,Barry wants more out of life than the work that is waiting for him making honey.应该是 Barry wants more out of life than the work that is waiting for him making honey.
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