Parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves in many families.A parent may try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to choose another job.Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents wish in order to declare their independence. A son may deliberately decide not to go into his father’s business because of a fear that he will lose his independence in his father’s workplace.This independence from parents is not an indication that parents and children do not love each other.Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in the American family.
Parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves in many families.A parent may try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to choose another job.Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents wish in order to declare their independence. A son may deliberately decide not to go into his father’s business because of a fear that he will lose his independence in his father’s workplace.This independence from parents is not an indication that parents and children do not love each other.Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in the American family.
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