托福作文求批改,优缺点,得分 我12.19 一战!
External appearance will provide important clues of people
Some people always assert that we should not just judge a person by his appearance.Admittedly,we should not totally make a conclusion to a person by his external.But we,actually,have to take into account the externals as one standard of judging people.That's say external appearance is imporant for ones' life and social relationship.
First and foremost,the external appearance of people will effect the recognition of others basically.For instance,you are a boss of a company and need to hire some graduates to join into your company.Two guys come to the interview,which are hosted by you and your colleagues.One is in suits and ties perfectly and another is in dirty cloth and slipper.Which one will have more possibilities to pass the interview,if they are equal in background and professional skills.I think the answer is absolutely clear that most of the leaders will choose the first guy as company's employee.So apparently our judgement towards people will be easily influented by the external appearance,especially when we don't know each other better,even through we maybe have not realized the fact.
Another main point worth mentioning of my propensity is that we can see the inner traits of people by the external appearance.Some people frequently boast to others how excellent and perfect they are.How can we trust a guy's saying thoroughly without a clear T-shirts and shoes.In daily life,we must commit that the bad custom of personal sanitation will give us the feeling that they mostly lack of responsibility and good learning habits etc.The lacking sense of sanitation will not influent only in the outlook of a person,but also in different section of your life.You maybe lazy for everything you involved in and never have the positive attitude to do something even it is your loving part.
From the two factors I deliberated deeply above,it's seemingly easy to find out that the external appearance is so important and definitely influence different parts of our life.As a conclusion,we should corrects some of our bad personal habits to make us more accessible for the society and life.
External appearance will provide important clues of people
Some people always assert that we should not just judge a person by his appearance.Admittedly,we should not totally make a conclusion to a person by his external.But we,actually,have to take into account the externals as one standard of judging people.That's say external appearance is imporant for ones' life and social relationship.
First and foremost,the external appearance of people will effect the recognition of others basically.For instance,you are a boss of a company and need to hire some graduates to join into your company.Two guys come to the interview,which are hosted by you and your colleagues.One is in suits and ties perfectly and another is in dirty cloth and slipper.Which one will have more possibilities to pass the interview,if they are equal in background and professional skills.I think the answer is absolutely clear that most of the leaders will choose the first guy as company's employee.So apparently our judgement towards people will be easily influented by the external appearance,especially when we don't know each other better,even through we maybe have not realized the fact.
Another main point worth mentioning of my propensity is that we can see the inner traits of people by the external appearance.Some people frequently boast to others how excellent and perfect they are.How can we trust a guy's saying thoroughly without a clear T-shirts and shoes.In daily life,we must commit that the bad custom of personal sanitation will give us the feeling that they mostly lack of responsibility and good learning habits etc.The lacking sense of sanitation will not influent only in the outlook of a person,but also in different section of your life.You maybe lazy for everything you involved in and never have the positive attitude to do something even it is your loving part.
From the two factors I deliberated deeply above,it's seemingly easy to find out that the external appearance is so important and definitely influence different parts of our life.As a conclusion,we should corrects some of our bad personal habits to make us more accessible for the society and life.
1.当用 people 时,后面用 they 和 their .当用person时,后面必须要用 he or she ,而不能只用其中一个.总体感觉你的文章里面 they 和 we 用得比较混乱.2.用第三人称的时候,注意后面动词的形式.(也许只是你的输入错误...
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