用do does be 填空
1> _____ she know all the answers Yes ,she ____ .No,she _____.
2> _____ the twins often fight Yes ,_____ do.No,_____ don’t.
3> _____ your dad like listening to music?Yes ,____ does .No,_____ doesn’t.
4>_____ uncle Tom wash his car everyday?Yes ,____ does .No,____ doesn’t.
5> _____ you have a new teacher?Yes ,I ______.No,I ______.
6>_____ she a teacher?Yes,she _____ .No,she _____.
7> ______ you playing ball now?Yes,I ______.No,I ______
8> ______ the pig like to sleep?Yes,it ______.No,it _____.
9> ______ five birds flying in the sky?Yes,they _____ .No,____ aren’t.
10> _____ your father smoking in the living room?Yes,____ is .No,he _____.
1> _____ she know all the answers Yes ,she ____ .No,she _____.
2> _____ the twins often fight Yes ,_____ do.No,_____ don’t.
3> _____ your dad like listening to music?Yes ,____ does .No,_____ doesn’t.
4>_____ uncle Tom wash his car everyday?Yes ,____ does .No,____ doesn’t.
5> _____ you have a new teacher?Yes ,I ______.No,I ______.
6>_____ she a teacher?Yes,she _____ .No,she _____.
7> ______ you playing ball now?Yes,I ______.No,I ______
8> ______ the pig like to sleep?Yes,it ______.No,it _____.
9> ______ five birds flying in the sky?Yes,they _____ .No,____ aren’t.
10> _____ your father smoking in the living room?Yes,____ is .No,he _____.
1> (Does) she know all the answers Yes ,she (does) .No,she (doesn't).
2> (Do) the twins often fight Yes ,(they) do.No,(they) don’t.
3> (Does) your dad like listening to music?Yes ,(he) does .No,(he) doesn’t.
4>(Does) uncle Tom wash his car every day?Yes ,(he) does .No,(he) doesn’t.
5> (Do) you have a new teacher?Yes ,I (do).No,I (don't).
6>(Is) she a teacher?Yes,she (is) .No,she (isn't).
7> (Are) you playing ball now?Yes,I (am).No,I (am not).
8> (Does) the pig like to sleep?Yes,it (does).No,it (doesn't).
9> (Are) five birds flying in the sky?Yes,they (are) .No,(they) aren’t.
10> (Is) your father smoking in the living room?Yes,(he) is .No,he (isn't).
2> (Do) the twins often fight Yes ,(they) do.No,(they) don’t.
3> (Does) your dad like listening to music?Yes ,(he) does .No,(he) doesn’t.
4>(Does) uncle Tom wash his car every day?Yes ,(he) does .No,(he) doesn’t.
5> (Do) you have a new teacher?Yes ,I (do).No,I (don't).
6>(Is) she a teacher?Yes,she (is) .No,she (isn't).
7> (Are) you playing ball now?Yes,I (am).No,I (am not).
8> (Does) the pig like to sleep?Yes,it (does).No,it (doesn't).
9> (Are) five birds flying in the sky?Yes,they (are) .No,(they) aren’t.
10> (Is) your father smoking in the living room?Yes,(he) is .No,he (isn't).
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