Hallo everyone!Today I want to talk about a television drama.
"We are not discarded,instead,we abandon them." "Now,is your mother on your side?"
They are advertising slogans of this television drama.
The name of this drama is"Tomorrow,Mother will not be here".It is a television drama currently airing on NipponTelevision (NTV).It follows the stories of ten children living in an orphanage .
The story is set in the Children’s Home.It told us what is to love and what is to be loved in terms of the children without parents.I think it is a very moving story,however,it is also educative.
As we know,children in some television drame can’t have a natural performance,they speak like recite.
But in "Tomorrow,Mother will not be here",although the protagonist is a group of children,they have a good performance.
Post is my favorite role.She looks very cool.In fact,she is a good girl and always thinks of others and never of self.
Let me show you a short video.
That's all.Thank you!
Hallo everyone!Today I want to talk about a television drama.
"We are not discarded,instead,we abandon them." "Now,is your mother on your side?"
They are advertising slogans of this television drama.
The name of this drama is"Tomorrow,Mother will not be here".It is a television drama currently airing on NipponTelevision (NTV).It follows the stories of ten children living in an orphanage .
The story is set in the Children’s Home.It told us what is to love and what is to be loved in terms of the children without parents.I think it is a very moving story,however,it is also educative.
As we know,children in some television drame can’t have a natural performance,they speak like recite.
But in "Tomorrow,Mother will not be here",although the protagonist is a group of children,they have a good performance.
Post is my favorite role.She looks very cool.In fact,she is a good girl and always thinks of others and never of self.
Let me show you a short video.
That's all.Thank you!
Hello everyone!Today I would like to introduce a television drama."We are not discarded,instead,we abandon them." "Now,is your mother on your side?"They are the advertising slogans of this television ...
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