1.They have already seen the film.改为一般疑问句
2.I have waited here for two hours.改为否定句
3.He has been a docter since 1989.改为一般疑问句
4.The rain has already stopped.改为一般疑问句
5.She has (painted the house).对括号内提问
6.I have been to Paris (three times).对括号内提问
7.(She) has gone to the cafe.对括号内提问
8.We have lives in shanghai since we left Beijing.对此句子提问
1.They have already seen the film.改为一般疑问句
2.I have waited here for two hours.改为否定句
3.He has been a docter since 1989.改为一般疑问句
4.The rain has already stopped.改为一般疑问句
5.She has (painted the house).对括号内提问
6.I have been to Paris (three times).对括号内提问
7.(She) has gone to the cafe.对括号内提问
8.We have lives in shanghai since we left Beijing.对此句子提问
1.They have already seen the film.改为一般疑问句
Have they already seen the film
2.I have waited here for two hours.改为否定句
I have not waited here for two hours.
3.He has been a docter since 1989.改为一般疑问句
Has he been a docter since 1989
4.The rain has already stopped.改为一般疑问句
Has the rain already stopped
5.She has (painted the house).对括号内提问
what had she done
6.I have been to Paris (three times).对括号内提问
how many times have you been to Paris
7.(She) has gone to the cafe.对括号内提问
who has gone to the cafe
8.We have lives in shanghai since we left Beijing.对此句子提问
Have they already seen the film
2.I have waited here for two hours.改为否定句
I have not waited here for two hours.
3.He has been a docter since 1989.改为一般疑问句
Has he been a docter since 1989
4.The rain has already stopped.改为一般疑问句
Has the rain already stopped
5.She has (painted the house).对括号内提问
what had she done
6.I have been to Paris (three times).对括号内提问
how many times have you been to Paris
7.(She) has gone to the cafe.对括号内提问
who has gone to the cafe
8.We have lives in shanghai since we left Beijing.对此句子提问
- 1反正弦函数
- 2为什么要用助动词?
- 3开学到现在我过得很开心 用英语怎么说
- 4若(a-2)x|a|-1+3y=1是一元一次方程,则a
- 5第一个多项式是x的平方-2xy+2y的平方,第二个多项式是第一个的2倍少3,第三个多项式是前两个多项式的和.
- 6小红和小丽利用温差测量一座山峰高度,小红在山顶测的温度是-1度,小丽在山脚测得温度是5度,已知高度每增
- 7I’m ( )the impression that you have made much progress in your English study.
- 8李明和王华步行同时从A、B两地出发,相向而行,在离A地52千米处相遇,到达对方出发点后,两人立即以原来
- 9(3.24+3.24+3.24+3.24)*2.5的简便计算大神们帮帮忙
- 10泊船瓜洲的时间地点
- 1将下列每组中不属于同一类的词语用横线标出来:爱戴 慈祥 聪明 果断 武断 请帮我分析.
- 2找规律
- 3已知y=f(x)是定义在R上的偶函数,它在[0,正无穷]上是减函数,则f(-3/4)与f(a^2-a+1)的大小关系是什么
- 4杜牧的《江南春》
- 5用同位素18O标记的CO2作原料,供给植物进行光合作用.当植物进行有氧呼吸时,在呼吸产物CO2和H2O中,含18O的应是( ) A.H2O B.CO2 C.H2O和CO2 D.H2O或CO2
- 6佛语中的无所住心是什么意思?
- 7求蒲松龄《促织》的每段大意
- 8三维行向量空间中的向量集合V={(x,y,z)|x+y+z=0}是向量空间,并求出它的维数和一个基.
- 9童年摘录 笔记
- 10现在就要!运用比喻造句 刻骨铭心