英语口语考试下面是考试题目 看到合适答案我会给分的
1.x05Foreign language learning
1) what do you think of learning a foreign language?
2) How important is it to learn a foreign language today?
3) How to learn a foreign language effectively?)
2.Family stories
Every family has their own stories.Family members share their happiness and sadness.Some stories can make a deep impression on you.
1)What is generation gap?Is there generation gap between your parents and you?
2) How could your parents and you share mutual understanding?If there is divergence on a problem,what would you do?
3) What family stories impressed you most?
3.Making a good impression
It is vital to make a good impression on others in our daily life.On such occasions as a job interview,a good impression can give you more advantages over others.
1) How do you judge people?
2) Why do we say that it is important to make a good impression on others?
3) How can we make a good impre
1.x05Foreign language learning
1) what do you think of learning a foreign language?
2) How important is it to learn a foreign language today?
3) How to learn a foreign language effectively?)
2.Family stories
Every family has their own stories.Family members share their happiness and sadness.Some stories can make a deep impression on you.
1)What is generation gap?Is there generation gap between your parents and you?
2) How could your parents and you share mutual understanding?If there is divergence on a problem,what would you do?
3) What family stories impressed you most?
3.Making a good impression
It is vital to make a good impression on others in our daily life.On such occasions as a job interview,a good impression can give you more advantages over others.
1) How do you judge people?
2) Why do we say that it is important to make a good impression on others?
3) How can we make a good impre
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