What does a scientist do when he or she “explains” something? Scientific explanation comes in two forms: generalization and deduction. Most psychologists deal with generalization. They explain particular instances of behavior as examples of general laws. For instance most psychologists would explain a pathologically strong fear of dogs as an example of classical conditioning. Presumably, the person was frightened earlier in life by a dog. An unpleasant stimulus was paired with the sight of the animal (perhaps the person was knocked down by an exuberant dog) and the subsequent sight of dogs evokes the earlier response -- fear.
What does a scientist do when he or she “explains” something? Scientific explanation comes in two forms: generalization and deduction. Most psychologists deal with generalization. They explain particular instances of behavior as examples of general laws. For instance most psychologists would explain a pathologically strong fear of dogs as an example of classical conditioning. Presumably, the person was frightened earlier in life by a dog. An unpleasant stimulus was paired with the sight of the animal (perhaps the person was knocked down by an exuberant dog) and the subsequent sight of dogs evokes the earlier response -- fear.
- 1英语翻译
- 2Look at what you have done to my new book.You_____more careful with it.
- 3make a pig of yourself
- 4一辆汽车2小时行驶120千米,这辆汽车所行路程与时间比是( ),比值是( ),这个比值表示汽车的( ).
- 5改病句:随着整个社会浮躁心态的改变,使传统阅读方式将会受到大众的喜爱.
- 6根据牛顿第一定律,如果一个物体只受一个力的作用,则此力的作用效果
- 7有三块草地,面积分别是4亩、8亩、10亩.草地上的草一样厚,而且长得一样快,第一块草地可供24头牛吃6周,第二块草地可供36头牛吃12周.问第三块草地可供50头牛吃几周?
- 8物理力学中平衡力,相互作用力.这两个力的定义.
- 9有谁知道柏拉图的“理念论”的概念和内容?
- 10老师请举出SiO2与氢氧化钙反应生成盐和水的化学方程式好吗?
- 1数学是北师大版,英语是仁爱版,物理是北师大版,化学是人教版
- 2知道电流方向,判断磁场力方向
- 3People in China celebrate it"by giving presents".(对引号部分提问)
- 4高中生物 关于T2噬菌体侵染细菌的实验的疑问!
- 5在一个三位数的右边添上一个0,所得到的四位数比这个三位数多1422,这个3位数是?
- 6太阳高度12点达到 最大值24°,24点为0°,这是什么时候
- 7为什么上帝(god)的英文从倒过来排列就是狗(dog)呢?
- 8一盒机器零件,每个的重量都不等,且都是超过10克的整千克数.
- 936. There is a big p_________ library and you can borrow all kinds of books there.
- 10原有1克、3克、5克、7克的砝码各一个,丢掉一个,再也无法称出9克的重量,丢掉的是几