当前位置: > A characteristic of American culture that has become almost a tradition is to respect the self-made ...
A characteristic of American culture that has become almost a tradition is to respect the self-made man - the man who has risen to the top through his own efforts,usually beginning by working with his hands.While the leader in business or industry or the college professor occupies a higher social position and commands greater respect in the community than the common laborer or even the skilled factory worker,he may take pains to point out that his father started life in America as a farmer or laborer of some sort.This attitude toward manual (体力的) labor is now still seen in many aspects of American life.One is invited to dinner at a home that is not only comfortably but even luxuriously (豪华地) furnished and in which there is every evidence of the fact that the family has been able to afford foreign travel,expensive hobbies,and college education for the children; yet the hostess probably will cook the dinner herself,will serve it herself and will wash dishes afterward; furthermore,the din


主要讲的是,美国文化主张自食其力,靠自己的能力亲手去做事.a. 问题出在家庭上.该段只是举了个家庭的例子,而真正宣扬的是,那种美国文化.所以不对c. 美国文化的特点.这里就讲了一个文化特点而已.用复数,显然不合适.作...
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