My body is slender.I often wear a white dress.I'm full of tobacco.I have a family.I have millions of brothers and sisters.We have high well-knownness.Almost all the people known me-----cigarette.Many people love me very much.They can't live without me.I live in burning.The man who burned me will cut the life down with my burning.I can injure people with nicotine.You known,it's bad for people's body.Now,more and moreteens begin to love me.They often smoke.They think it can make him more handsome.But I've worked for many years.I feel tired now.I can't bear the tiring work!Everything needs rest!So you adults must ask them not to do that again.Or they will became weak sooner.从语法 词汇 逻辑 等方面检查
My body is slender.I often wear a white dress.I'm full of tobacco.I have a family.I have millions of brothers and sisters.We have high well-knownness.Almost all the people known me-----cigarette.Many people love me very much.They can't live without me.I live in burning.The man who burned me will cut the life down with my burning.I can injure people with nicotine.You known,it's bad for people's body.Now,more and moreteens begin to love me.They often smoke.They think it can make him more handsome.But I've worked for many years.I feel tired now.I can't bear the tiring work!Everything needs rest!So you adults must ask them not to do that again.Or they will became weak sooner.从语法 词汇 逻辑 等方面检查
We have high well-knownness改成we are well-known i the world.
.Almost all the people known me.known改为know.因为是一般情况.
You known,改为you know--
bad for people's body..body改为health
They think it can make him .him改为them
Or they will became weak sooner.became 改为become.
We have high well-knownness改成we are well-known i the world.
.Almost all the people known me.known改为know.因为是一般情况.
You known,改为you know--
bad for people's body..body改为health
They think it can make him .him改为them
Or they will became weak sooner.became 改为become.
- 1一道初三科学填空题
- 2xy-1/2x平方y平方-1/3xy-1/2x平方y平方+x四次方y四次方 求式子
- 3一个长方形的周长是32米,已知长是宽的3倍,这个长方形的面积是_.
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- 7高中所有有关三角形的公式和定理,什么内接外切圆与三角型的公式之类的.
- 8△ABC与△BEF中,∠A=∠D=70°,∠B=60°,∠E=50°,这两个三角形相似吗?为什么?
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