随着全球气候变暖,海平面不断上升,人类经济发展与气候环境之间的矛盾变得日益突出.在哥本哈根全球气候大会上,世界又一次把目光聚焦到了低碳经济的发展问题上,如何发展低碳经济,将成为全世界面临的共同课题.With the aggravation of the global warming ,the sea level is alarmingly rising.Worse still,the contradictions between human beings’ economic development and the environmental issues are becoming increasingly striking!During the Global Climate Conference in Copenhagen,the worldwide eyesights once again,concentrate on the development issues of low-carbon economy.How to develop low-carbon economy will be a concerned topic which the whole world inevitably confronts.
作为发展中国家,我国外贸出口仍停留在粗放式增长阶段,出口产品仍以劳动密集型为主,具有“高污染、高消耗、低附加值”等特点,加之近来国际上与低碳相关联的各种技术贸易壁垒兴起,诸如碳关税征收问题的讨论与日增多,未来我国对外贸易发展将面临严峻挑战.所以研究低碳经济与我国对外贸易发展间的相互关系具有重大的现实意义.As a developing county,China’s export still confines its sales rangs within a kind of vulgar growth period,which dominantly centers around labor denseness,characterizing by high-contamination,high-cost,but low added-value,etc.Moreover,with the international rampancy of all sorts of technical trade barriers concerning low-carbon ,those topics such as imposing on carbon-consuming have steadily multipled recently,in the future ,our country’s export economy will meet with more stern challenges.As a result,it will be of vital importance to research the correlations between low-carbon economy and our country’s export economy
在全球低碳经济时代到来之际,其对我国对外贸易发展将产生哪些影响,而我国又该如何应对这一系列新的变化,本文将结合我国对外贸易现状,就低碳经济可能对我国出口贸易的影响及其应对策略谈几点看法.At the period when the global low-carbon economy era is approaching us,what kinds of influences will the global low-carbon economy era bring to our country’s export economy How does China act in accordance with this new changes?By conbining the situations of our country’s export economy,this paper will put forward several viewpoints on how the low-carbon economy impacts our country’s export economy
and the corresponding countermeasures.
作为发展中国家,我国外贸出口仍停留在粗放式增长阶段,出口产品仍以劳动密集型为主,具有“高污染、高消耗、低附加值”等特点,加之近来国际上与低碳相关联的各种技术贸易壁垒兴起,诸如碳关税征收问题的讨论与日增多,未来我国对外贸易发展将面临严峻挑战.所以研究低碳经济与我国对外贸易发展间的相互关系具有重大的现实意义.As a developing county,China’s export still confines its sales rangs within a kind of vulgar growth period,which dominantly centers around labor denseness,characterizing by high-contamination,high-cost,but low added-value,etc.Moreover,with the international rampancy of all sorts of technical trade barriers concerning low-carbon ,those topics such as imposing on carbon-consuming have steadily multipled recently,in the future ,our country’s export economy will meet with more stern challenges.As a result,it will be of vital importance to research the correlations between low-carbon economy and our country’s export economy
在全球低碳经济时代到来之际,其对我国对外贸易发展将产生哪些影响,而我国又该如何应对这一系列新的变化,本文将结合我国对外贸易现状,就低碳经济可能对我国出口贸易的影响及其应对策略谈几点看法.At the period when the global low-carbon economy era is approaching us,what kinds of influences will the global low-carbon economy era bring to our country’s export economy How does China act in accordance with this new changes?By conbining the situations of our country’s export economy,this paper will put forward several viewpoints on how the low-carbon economy impacts our country’s export economy
and the corresponding countermeasures.
- 1翻议一下这段英文 I love you too! I only wear the purple one to special occasions, it is so delicate
- 2已知样本x1,x2,x3,x4的平均数是2.则3x1+3,3x2+3,3x3+3,3x4+3的平均数为多少?
- 3那里有实验版小学五年级上册语文书
- 4我今年15岁,比爸爸年龄的3/7还少3岁,爸爸今年几岁?(用方程解)
- 5what kind of car did he___(drive,drove)横线上填什么,原因
- 6若不等式ax2+bx+2>0的解集是{x|-1/2<x<1/3},则a-b的值等于多少?
- 7There seemed to be nothing ____to do but ____for the manager.
- 8考场上写的2011安徽高考英语作文
- 9在括号里填上合适的词语 ( )的月光
- 10在探究 物体所受重力的大小和哪些因素有关 的实验时
- 1函数的单调区间能用集合表示吗?
- 21=1,1+3=4 ,1+3+5=9 ,1+3+5+7=16…… 用含自然数N的等式表示规律
- 3下图是有两个正方形组成的,面积是208平方厘米.已知大,小正方形的边长比是3:2,这两个正方形面积各是多少
- 4已知三角形ABC的两个顶点A(1,2),B(-1,-1),直线l:2x+y-1=0是三角形ABC的一条内角平分线,求三角形ABC的面
- 5赠别元十八协律六首之一的四要指什么
- 61.一艘轮船从甲港逆水驶往乙港用了7小时20分.回来时顺水航行.只用4小时40分.已知水流速度是 6千米/时.求轮船的速度和甲,乙两港间的距离..
- 775的百分之4比60的30分之1多百分之几
- 8勤能补拙是良训 一分辛苦一分才 急~~~~~~
- 9大二 花生中油脂的提取 论文
- 10小明买故事书和科技书各4本,付出20元,找回5.2元.已知每本科技书2.2元.每本故事书多少钱?