A flower pot fell from the fifth floor,narrowly____a passenger.
1.A flower pot fell from the fifth floor,narrowly_____a passenger.
A.missed hitting B.missing hitting C.miss to hit D.missed to hit
2._________for a long time,but he tried his best to catch up with his classmates.
A.Having been ill B.Being ill C.He was ill D.To be ill
3.It was the education______he received as a young man______made him so successful
A.what...that B.that...which C.when...that D.that...that
4.Ships carry life boats_____,the crew can escape____the ship sinks.
A.so as to...in case B.so that...unless
C.in orderto...if D.in order that that...in case
5.The boss___department Ms.King worked ten years ago looks down upon women.
A.in which B.in whose C.in that D.whose
1.A flower pot fell from the fifth floor,narrowly_____a passenger.
A.missed hitting B.missing hitting C.miss to hit D.missed to hit
2._________for a long time,but he tried his best to catch up with his classmates.
A.Having been ill B.Being ill C.He was ill D.To be ill
3.It was the education______he received as a young man______made him so successful
A.what...that B.that...which C.when...that D.that...that
4.Ships carry life boats_____,the crew can escape____the ship sinks.
A.so as to...in case B.so that...unless
C.in orderto...if D.in order that that...in case
5.The boss___department Ms.King worked ten years ago looks down upon women.
A.in which B.in whose C.in that D.whose
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