I will be an old lady.My life will
turn into golden age.I still look
like a blooming flower which
attract dandies and gentlemen
because I pay much attention to
my appearance.I will have many
children, sons and daughters,I
like sons because they brings
muscule power into the life.
I will have a big house which
accomodate a large family.
I hope that my husband loves
me to eternity.We will pass
the best part of life together.
If possible, I will travel
abroad and stay flower contries
like America or Europe.
When I am 50s, I will start
to have grandchildren which I
am very fond of.With them, I
will be carefree and enjoy
the fruit of fulfilment.
turn into golden age.I still look
like a blooming flower which
attract dandies and gentlemen
because I pay much attention to
my appearance.I will have many
children, sons and daughters,I
like sons because they brings
muscule power into the life.
I will have a big house which
accomodate a large family.
I hope that my husband loves
me to eternity.We will pass
the best part of life together.
If possible, I will travel
abroad and stay flower contries
like America or Europe.
When I am 50s, I will start
to have grandchildren which I
am very fond of.With them, I
will be carefree and enjoy
the fruit of fulfilment.
- 1y=3x的定义域和值域用区间表示
- 2按要求完成下列句子
- 3在下列竖式中A、B、C、D代表各不同的数字,它们分别代表什么数字
- 4用同位素18O标记的H2O作原料,供给植物进行光合作用.一段时间后,在呼吸产物CO2和H2O中,含有18O的应是(单选)
- 5设关于x 的不等式loga{2-1/2(x^2)}>loga(a-x)的解集为A,且A交Z={1},求常数a的取值范围?
- 6用48朵白玫瑰和72朵红玫瑰组成花束,要求束花束里的红玫瑰和白玫瑰的朵数一致,问每束花束里最少有几朵花?
- 7我是你的心中的好男人 英语怎么写
- 8“保护生态环境”的手抄报内容写些什么好?
- 9They are looking at the bird in the tree(对划线部分提问) 划线是 looking at the bird in the tree
- 10王海粟选自什么成语?
- 1世界上跨经度最多的大洲是( ) A.亚洲 B.南极洲 C.北美洲 D.非洲
- 2甲数的25%与乙数的20%相等,已知甲数的倒数是二分之五,乙数是?甲数是乙数的%?甲数比乙数少%乙数比甲数多%?
- 3fourty肯定是错的吗?
- 4“辞令”这个词如何解释,举几个例子
- 5体验农村生活小结与反思
- 6化简2^N*2^4-2*2^N除以2*2^N*2^3
- 7如图,一座圆拱桥,当水面在m位置时,拱顶离水面2米,水面宽12米.当水面下降1米后水面宽多少米?
- 8有自然数a、b、c,a乘b=16,a乘c=12,a、b、c分别是几,
- 9静电场求电势
- 10反对水北为阳`水南为阴``汉阳在汉水以南,汉阴在汉水以北,还有江阴、洛阳、淮阴?好象都反了.